December 2, 2019

December 2019 Newsletter from Mama Love

Hello Everybody,

I lived!

Hope your Thanksgiving went well! This year I have a lot to be thankful for. Most recently: my surgery went well and my recovery was amazingly fast! I may be doing additional treatments (radiation and hormone therapy in January) which I have feelings about, but I actually feel great and more positive than I would have expected. Me being me, I am using the experience to do some life re-evaluation. (You can read about that if you like.) One thing that led to, also, was Paul and I getting two new cats which we are very happy about! And that led to needing a new flower essence formula for newly adopted pets (see that below.)

Calming Separation Anxiety in a Shelter Kitty

When we brought our first shelter kitty home he had a very hard time adjusting. I made this formula for him and it worked REALLY well! (So glad.) Read more . . .

Relax with a Cup of Passionflower Tea

This is a new herb tea ingredient in my shop. And guess what? Even my oncologist recommends it to her patients having trouble sleeping because of cancer therapy (not always but for most people)! (She won a lot of my trust with that bit of advice.) I didn't write about that in my blog but I did share more information about Passionflower. Read more . . .

Aspen Bach Flower Essence is for When You Tremble

Since we're talking about fear and anxiety this month (that's what the other two products are about), why not take a look at one of the traditional Bach Remedies for fear? In this case, fear of the unknown. Read more . . .

Subscribe to my monthly email newsletter at the top right of this page to get a coupon code worth 10% off your order in my shop. 

November 3, 2019

November Newsletter 2019

Hello Everybody! Here's this month's news:

My Health and Related Issues

Tuesday night I'm going to put my Etsy shop into Vacation Mode (meaning you won't be able to order anything) for about a week, maybe a few days longer. I'm having surgery on Thursday and don't want the stress of orders piling up. But I fully expect to be back online after that time.

If you've been reading my blog or follow me on Facebook you might know that I had a scary-feeling (but not horrific) breast cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago. Not "horrific" (it always feels horrific) because . . . Read more

As I reread my blog for posts to include in this newsletter, I realized that I had been writing about issues related to the diagnosis BEFORE I even knew about it. And I was already exploring flower essences useful for myself in that. Those are the posts I've chosen to include below.

Should You Use Flower Essences Singly or in Combination?

In this article I talked about my experience with this and, inadvertently, described early warning signs that I was just starting to use a combination for. Read more . . .

Sharing my Experimentation with Ocotillo Flower Essence (for Calming Explosive Emotions and Reactivity)

Today I added a new flower essence to my shop that I had never used before but have long had an attraction to—Ocotillo. I actually never have associated a need for this essence with myself as it is for . . . Read more . . .

Joyous Heart, A New Flower Essence Combination Formula by Mama Love

Every time I use this formula, my first thought always is "Aww, this doesn't work!" Isn't this great advertising? I'm always wanting instant happiness in a bottle. But instead I get feedback about the importance of being willing to feel my feelings and acknowledge their validity! Which means -- boo-hoo -- having to feel them! (Luckily for me and for you, today's story doesn't end here.) Read more . . .

Subscribe to my monthly email newsletter at the top right of this page to get a coupon code worth 10% off your order in my shop. 

September 29, 2019

October 2019 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

The theme this month is loneliness and the shyness that can lead to that. I added a couple of flower essences for addressing different aspects of shyness to my shop this month and found myself contemplating when you would use one over another. That led to me writing quite a bit about this, and then creating a new combination formula as a result. Sometimes you don't want to use just one! I also wound up updating a long article I wrote about shyness earlier. If this is an issue for you or someone you love I highly recommend that one as a start!

Wallflower Flower Essence

Yes! A flower essence for "wallflowers" is actually called Wallflower. The behavior of the plant in the wild led people to name people with similar behavior after the flower (or maybe vice versa). Read more . . .

Wild Pansy Flower Essence

Wild Pansies, also known as Johnny-Jump-Ups, are one of my favorite flowers. It helps ease shyness and social isolation especially for people who have been ostracized in the past and are afraid to show themselves as a result. Read more . . .

Healing the Lonely Heart Flower Essence Combination Formula

My newest flower essence formula addresses loneliness caused by either a lifelong or more recent pattern of shyness or feeling of otherness caused by cultural differences and life experiences (trauma and training). It is for those having trouble breaking out of isolation due to any number of factors that may have increased your lack of confidence about making new friends or participating in groups. Learn more . . .

All email newsletter subscribers receive a coupon code worth 10% off your entire order in my Etsy shop. Sign up to get these monthly newsletters directly to your inbox at the upper right side of this page.

September 1, 2019

September 2019 Newsletter

Hello Everybody! Here's what's new this month.

Scent-Free Isn't Everyone's Cup of Tea!

In the past year I have drawn more people to the shop who are brand new to the world of flower essences . . . which sometimes leads to a certain amount of surprise and confusion. The biggest surprise is that flower essences are not essential oils. They have NO scent (besides the alcohol used to preserve them) and are more similar to a homeopathic herb tea—the power is in the brew, not the scent. That’s an unusual concept to most people so, to make my products more accessible to a wider audience, my oldest offerings combined flower essences and essential oils and were all scented. But now I offer a large array of unscented flower essence products . . . which means some people have been shocked to order a flower essence spray that does not smell like a flower! (Oops! I'm so sorry.)

Of course, as I said, there is no reason why essential oils cannot be added to some flower essence products. Smelling good makes healing fun! So—for my unscented flower essence sprays only—I now offer the following optional scent add-ins at a 1.5% dilution. (Choose one of my Scented Spray choices at check out and then what scent you want. You will need to choose “UNSCENTED” for droppers and unscented sprays.):

Unscented (will smell like the alcohol used to preserve it)
Lavender (balancing, relaxing, floral)
Cedarwood (relaxing woody incense)
Orange (uplifting citrus)
Rose Geranium (balancing, uplifting, rose-like)
Patchouli (grounding, relaxing, earthy)

My Newest Product

Feeling at Home After a Move
My nephew is moving to a new part of the country today. It’s exciting but also a really big deal to move to a different climate and cultural atmosphere. Having moved multiple times in my life (sometimes under traumatic circumstances, sometimes not), the idea of creating a flower essence formula for people going through similar things is close to my heart. Even when a move is done with some excitement, it still contains an element of loss and sometimes significantly different circumstances to get used to. You need to feel connected to someplace new but a piece of your heart feels like it's been left behind. How do you start again? How do you feel at home where you are now? Flower essences can help. Read more . . . 

Visit my Etsy shop!
All newsletter subscribers get a coupon code worth 10% off in my Etsy shop. Sign up at the top right side of this page.

August 4, 2019

August 2019 Newsletter

Hello Everybody!

I've been on a creative streak of designing combination flower essence formulas this month! Three new ones completed in just the last few weeks. I'm currently using two of these myself and have been finding them quite effective.

Also I've been trying to figure out what to do about a new set of policies being put in place on Etsy where I currently focus my online business. The biggest one has to do with shipping. I'll share more below.

My Newest Flower Essence Blends

Calming Reactivity
Is anyone else practically at wit's end at the constant stream of horror-story news? I knew two people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting myself (they're alright). People respond differently to these stories but if you're starting to feel like a ninja wanting to spring into action without actually knowing what to do, your blood pressure or ability to sleep at night might be affected. I'm finding this formula calming. It also has the effect of making me feel more positively focused on what could be done. Find out more . . .

For the Aging Woman
This is another one I'm using for myself. It's for women at mid-life or beyond who are having difficulty feeling okay about the changes that occur as they get older. It's hard for me to describe how it makes me feel exactly (and it probably will do different things for you). My first impression is feeling more deeply rooted, more IN my body. And more even in my emotional state (accepting is a good word). But I added Zinnia for more joy into this one so I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects me over time. Find out more . . .

Support for the Artist's Heart
This flower essence was designed to inspire the creative inspiration and energy needed to get past the fears that keep you from even getting started. It can help you express yourself with self-awareness, and to help you take a more joyful, playful approach to creative expression. Find out more . . .

Free Shipping Isn't Free

There’s been a recent push on Etsy to get everyone to offer free shipping on individual items or a free shipping guarantee on orders over $35. Of course, the cost of shipping is not free so there’s also been advice offered on how to add the cost of shipping into the price of our items. This, unfortunately, is not necessarily best for me and is definitely not best for you, my customers, so I want to take a little time to explain why I'm not doing it. Read more . . .

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worth 10% off in my Etsy shop.
Sign up at the top right side of this page.

July 1, 2019

July 2019 Mama Love and Healing Communication News

New Combination Formula “Dream Wisdom” 
For help remembering and accessing guidance in your sleep.

Last night I received an order for Mugwort flower essence and immediately thought "Ah, Mugwort! She probably wants helpful dreams. I ought to make a dream formula."

Mugwort, as an herb, is so deeply connected with magick, witchcraft, and old women selling healing potions in the village of my imagination that it always makes me smile. After all, I was so taken by fairy tale and Disney images of this that I played at being a medicine woman in the woods near my house when I was a child! But I have so many ideas for flower essence combinations, in addition to everything else that I want to do, that I get too overwhelmed to follow through most of the time now. But last night was different. "Inquiring minds"—my own— wanted to know: what would my inner guidance suggest I add to Mugwort for a dream formula, if anything?

Flower Essences for Leadership

Perhaps it’s a coincidence but, without planning to, I wound up adding two flower essences to my shop last month for improving a person’s ability to lead in a healthy and effective manner.  Maybe it’s time for more people to come forward and lead. Larkspur is the one I usually think of for this purpose and I’ve had that one available for a long time. It helps people counter the feeling that leadership is a burden. Like all the Larkspurs, it awakens your desire to come forward when you might prefer to hang back. Red Larkspur takes this spur to action further by adding increased energy to get the job done. And Tall Mountain Larkspur (which I introduced in the last newsletter) helps you access inner guidance so you can lead from a more enlightened point of view. Choose the ones you want to work with singly by choosing below OR ask for all three in a custom formula and I’ll mix them all together.

June 2, 2019

June 2019 Newsletter

Hello Everybody!

So much news -- let's jump in.

What to Do When Spiritual Emergence Feels Like a Crisis

Because a potential client is going through a spiritual emergence process bordering on spiritual emergency, I discovered that the articles Paul and I wrote on the topic were no longer online! Perhaps some of you are interested in unexpected spiritual awakening experiences, difficulties with Kundalini, or how to access your own guidance in a healthy grounded way? I added our old articles on these topics to my blog:

If you're thinking about having a session be sure to read about how we work. If the note above was of particular interest, please know that as much as we deeply care about this issue and often do work with people on their spiritual development, we are not qualified to assist in a full-blown spiritual emergency. We want you to get the right kind of assistance—so please understand if we insist. Thanks!

New In My Shop

May 1, 2019

May Newsletter from Mama Love and Healing Communication

Happy Spring!

So much news . . . let's jump right in!

Using Flower Essences for Physical Illnesses

Did you know that flower essences can be used for physical problems? It's not like pharmaceuticals where a specific medication can be used by anybody who isn't allergic to it for a specific illness or condition. You have to be willing to dive deeper into the mind-body "connection." But if you're willing, it can be incredibly effective. Read more . . . 

Paul and I Have a New Website!

I think I mentioned that Paul and I decided to re-open our spiritual counseling practice. The first step was creating a new website. (You wouldn't believe how much of my life is spent working on websites!) Learn more about our practice here. If you're thinking about having a session be sure to read about how we work.

New in My Shop

March 30, 2019

April 2019 Newsletter from Mama Love and Paul and Sheryl

Happy Spring! Here's what's new from Paul and Sheryl (yes) and Mama Love!
So, just when we thought we were done with spiritual counseling work...
the universe said "Not so fast!" Right after we took our website down, we received a request and did a session for a favorite client, loved it (of course), and have been rethinking the whole thing. 
For those of you who don't know, Paul and I have offered a unique hybrid spiritual counseling practice where we both work together as a team, combining our skills as intuitive consultants/healers with more conventional counseling tools, one-on-one teaching, and grounded good old common sense. It's an unusual combination for one person to have, even more so for two.

We love it because 1) it's frequently wonderful (and still amazing even after so many years) to receive spiritual guidance on another person's behalf, 2) it's fun and insightful to have two people filtering the same information via both a male and female lens, and 3) we're often touched by what comes through, especially when it's clearly helpful to the people we work with.

We're crappy at marketing this, however, because we have never been willing to accept the "psychic" or "fortune-telling" label! (And people looking for this might be very upset when they ask what the future holds in store and we ask, "What do you intend?" and "What can we help you with in relation to that?" The future isn't in cement. It's more of a dance between what you are willing to do, what your belief systems and prejudices are and how they may hold you back, and a wide variety of other factors. So don't expect a "reading"—sessions with us are more of a mutual collaboration.

We don't have a new website up yet. For now, just contact us via Facebook. We'll work out session times in advance and then send you a link so you can pay via Paypal (you don't have to have a Paypal account). We'll keep you posted on future developments.
What's New with Sheryl and Mama Love?
I've been experimenting with Coffee Flower Essence and it has been VERY interesting! I've been curious about what that flower essence would do for a long time! I finally tried it and share my initial experiences with it here.
ALSO NEW IN MY ETSY SHOP: Dosage Strength, Reiki Infused
Blazing Star Flower Essence for a Strong Will Deeply Supported by Inner Vitality and Nurturance
Mountain Forget-Me-Not Flower Essence for Connecting with Your Spirit Guides or Spiritual Teachers
Pussy Paws Flower Essence for Addressing a Fear of Being Touched, Emotional Hardening Related to Sexual Abuse or Violence

March 1, 2019

Mama Love Helps Combat Climate Change

Hello Everybody!

Mama Love is Combatting Climate Change!

As you may know, I have a new day job working for the Regenerative Agriculture Initiative at Chico State where I write about natural methods that combat climate change and address food scarcity. Regenerative methods avoid practices that lead to soil erosion and loss of soil fertility and replace them with those that support the soil biology, reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides, and offer significantly improved crop yields. It also surprisingly improves the soil’s ability to store carbon that plants draw down from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. In other words, it actually helps reverse climate change!

What does this have to do with Mama Love? Everything! Did you know that all the flower essences I use are either ethically wildcrafted or are Biodynamically farmed? That was the first Regenerative farming practice! And now Etsy, where my online shop resides, has just announced that they are the FIRST global e-commerce company to completely offset carbon emissions from shipping. I’m so happy to hear it!

Learn more at the links below. Learn about new products by scrolling further.

New on My Blog and in My Shop

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