August 4, 2019

August 2019 Newsletter

Hello Everybody!

I've been on a creative streak of designing combination flower essence formulas this month! Three new ones completed in just the last few weeks. I'm currently using two of these myself and have been finding them quite effective.

Also I've been trying to figure out what to do about a new set of policies being put in place on Etsy where I currently focus my online business. The biggest one has to do with shipping. I'll share more below.

My Newest Flower Essence Blends

Calming Reactivity
Is anyone else practically at wit's end at the constant stream of horror-story news? I knew two people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting myself (they're alright). People respond differently to these stories but if you're starting to feel like a ninja wanting to spring into action without actually knowing what to do, your blood pressure or ability to sleep at night might be affected. I'm finding this formula calming. It also has the effect of making me feel more positively focused on what could be done. Find out more . . .

For the Aging Woman
This is another one I'm using for myself. It's for women at mid-life or beyond who are having difficulty feeling okay about the changes that occur as they get older. It's hard for me to describe how it makes me feel exactly (and it probably will do different things for you). My first impression is feeling more deeply rooted, more IN my body. And more even in my emotional state (accepting is a good word). But I added Zinnia for more joy into this one so I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects me over time. Find out more . . .

Support for the Artist's Heart
This flower essence was designed to inspire the creative inspiration and energy needed to get past the fears that keep you from even getting started. It can help you express yourself with self-awareness, and to help you take a more joyful, playful approach to creative expression. Find out more . . .

Free Shipping Isn't Free

There’s been a recent push on Etsy to get everyone to offer free shipping on individual items or a free shipping guarantee on orders over $35. Of course, the cost of shipping is not free so there’s also been advice offered on how to add the cost of shipping into the price of our items. This, unfortunately, is not necessarily best for me and is definitely not best for you, my customers, so I want to take a little time to explain why I'm not doing it. Read more . . .

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PRPSRV said...

Do you have any tuberose or gardenia oils?

Sheryl Karas & Paul Hood said...

I don't sell essential oils except in combination and with flower essences.