December 2, 2019

December 2019 Newsletter from Mama Love

Hello Everybody,

I lived!

Hope your Thanksgiving went well! This year I have a lot to be thankful for. Most recently: my surgery went well and my recovery was amazingly fast! I may be doing additional treatments (radiation and hormone therapy in January) which I have feelings about, but I actually feel great and more positive than I would have expected. Me being me, I am using the experience to do some life re-evaluation. (You can read about that if you like.) One thing that led to, also, was Paul and I getting two new cats which we are very happy about! And that led to needing a new flower essence formula for newly adopted pets (see that below.)

Calming Separation Anxiety in a Shelter Kitty

When we brought our first shelter kitty home he had a very hard time adjusting. I made this formula for him and it worked REALLY well! (So glad.) Read more . . .

Relax with a Cup of Passionflower Tea

This is a new herb tea ingredient in my shop. And guess what? Even my oncologist recommends it to her patients having trouble sleeping because of cancer therapy (not always but for most people)! (She won a lot of my trust with that bit of advice.) I didn't write about that in my blog but I did share more information about Passionflower. Read more . . .

Aspen Bach Flower Essence is for When You Tremble

Since we're talking about fear and anxiety this month (that's what the other two products are about), why not take a look at one of the traditional Bach Remedies for fear? In this case, fear of the unknown. Read more . . .

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