July 1, 2019

July 2019 Mama Love and Healing Communication News

New Combination Formula “Dream Wisdom” 
For help remembering and accessing guidance in your sleep.

Last night I received an order for Mugwort flower essence and immediately thought "Ah, Mugwort! She probably wants helpful dreams. I ought to make a dream formula."

Mugwort, as an herb, is so deeply connected with magick, witchcraft, and old women selling healing potions in the village of my imagination that it always makes me smile. After all, I was so taken by fairy tale and Disney images of this that I played at being a medicine woman in the woods near my house when I was a child! But I have so many ideas for flower essence combinations, in addition to everything else that I want to do, that I get too overwhelmed to follow through most of the time now. But last night was different. "Inquiring minds"—my own— wanted to know: what would my inner guidance suggest I add to Mugwort for a dream formula, if anything?

Flower Essences for Leadership

Perhaps it’s a coincidence but, without planning to, I wound up adding two flower essences to my shop last month for improving a person’s ability to lead in a healthy and effective manner.  Maybe it’s time for more people to come forward and lead. Larkspur is the one I usually think of for this purpose and I’ve had that one available for a long time. It helps people counter the feeling that leadership is a burden. Like all the Larkspurs, it awakens your desire to come forward when you might prefer to hang back. Red Larkspur takes this spur to action further by adding increased energy to get the job done. And Tall Mountain Larkspur (which I introduced in the last newsletter) helps you access inner guidance so you can lead from a more enlightened point of view. Choose the ones you want to work with singly by choosing below OR ask for all three in a custom formula and I’ll mix them all together.

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