December 6, 2009
December Newsletter 2009
Hello Everybody,
It's gotten icy cold in the Arizona high desert. It went down to 4 degrees last night, might be colder tonight. Winter isn't officially upon us-- that doesn't happen until the longest night of the year, Winter Solstice, December 21st-- but it feels like winter around here. It's been making us pause and think about the meaning of the season. Not the reason for Christmas but the reason ALL cultures around the world mark the passing of the longest night and many of them celebrate with lights and gifts and stories around the fire. It's about believing in the return of the light in the darkest night. It's about "salvation" in its original sense: protection or deliverance from harm. It's about hope regardless of whether you believe in a human Savior's birth or a nature-based one. It's an affirmation of that belief in the continuation of life on Earth and a celebration of all we hold most dear— family, friends, love and sharing. Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men ... and women... and, with any luck, all the creatures of the Earth as well.
From Sheryl's first book, The Solstice Evergreen: The History, Folklore and Origins of the Christmas Tree:
Contemporary retelling of an old legend, country of origin unknown
As you know, every year the birds fly south for the winter. They’re very happy living up north in the spring, summer and fall, but in October and November when the rest of us are busy with Halloween costumes and football and looking forward to our Thanksgiving dinners, the birds start to dream about Florida. They feel that nippy autumn breeze that we all find so refreshing and they immediately have a vision of white sandy beaches and palm trees. As they hunt for the last fruits of the summer harvest their hunger brings back memories of the wonderful berries they had on their last winter vacation, and pretty soon the urge to go becomes irresistable. So, they gather together in small groups, which makes the trip more fun, and fly and fly until they feel the warm air and smell the mouth-watering aromas of their favorite winter vacation spot. It’s something they simply must do and none of them ever miss it.
That is, except for one year a very long time ago. That was the year a little bluebird broke her wing and could not fly. The others waited as long as they could but when the air got frosty and it started to snow they all flew away, leaving their injured friend behind. She jumped and flapped her one healthy wing as hard as she could but, as much as she wanted to, she just could not make the journey. She finally had to give up and figure out how she was going to survive the winter all by herself in the snow and ice.
It was terribly cold and the tiny bird was hungry and afraid. She made her way to the warmest place she could find—the forest—and asked the trees for help.
The first tree she came to was a birch. "Oh, pretty birch tree," she said, "my wing is broken, and my friends have flown away. May I live with you in your branches until they come back for me?"
"No! Certainly not!" answered the birch tree, drawing her green leaves back in disgust."I can’t have the likes of you in my beautiful branches. Go away!”
"The birch is not a very strong tree," said the bluebird to herself, "Maybe, I’m too heavy for her. I’ll ask the oak instead." So the bird said: "Great oak tree, you are so strong, would you let me live with you until my friends come back in the springtime?"
"In the springtime!" cried the oak. "That is a long time from now. I can’t trust you to be in my branches so long! You might eat some of my acorns. And don’t say you won’t. I know your kind. All birds are alike—always eating whatever they can get. Be off with you!"
"Maybe the willow will take pity on me," thought the bird, and said: "Please, gentle willow, my wing is broken, and I could not fly south with the other birds. May I live in your branches until the springtime?"
The willow did not look gentle just then because when she heard that request, she drew herself up proudly and said: "Excuse me? I don’t know you, and we willows never converse with strangers without a formal introduction. It is quite likely there are trees somewhere that will take in strange birds, but I’m not one of them. Leave me at once."
Poor little bluebird did not know what to do. Her wing was not well enough to fly, but she hopped away as best she could. Before long, however, she heard a voice.
"Bluebird, bluebird," it said, "where are you going?"
"I don’t know," answered the bird sadly. "and I’m so cold."
"Come right here, then," said the friendly spruce tree, for it was her voice that had called. "You can live on my warmest branch all winter if you want."
"Really? You’ll let me do that?" asked the little bird eagerly.
"Of course," answered the kind-hearted spruce tree. "If your friends have flown away, you need the trees to help you. Here, hop up to this branch where my leaves are thick and soft."
Just then another tree spoke up.
"My branches are not very thick," said the friendly pine tree, "but I am big and strong, and I can keep you and the spruce safe from the North Wind."
"I can help, too," said a little juniper tree. "I can give you berries all winter long, and you know how good juniper berries are."
So the spruce gave the lonely bluebird a home; the pine kept the cold North Wind away; and the juniper gave her berries to eat. The other trees looked on and gossiped among themselves.
"I wouldn’t allow strange birds on my branches," said the birch.
"I wouldn’t give my acorns away," said the oak.
"I never have anything to do with strangers," said the willow, and the three trees drew their leaves closely about them.
That night the North Wind rushed down from the mountains and frolicked in the forest. It inhaled deeply, puffing its cheeks out big and round and then blew with all its might, laughing as the leaves let go of their branches and flew in the air.
“Hee hee!” the North Wind shrieked. I’m going to dance with every leaf in the forest!”
But suddenly, just for an instant, the world froze. Glistening snow crystals hung on every branch, and as the moonlight shone through them, rainbows could be seen in all directions. The Frost King had arrived.
"Wait!” said the Frost King. "Let the trees that have been kind to the little bird with the broken wing keep their leaves."
And then, just as suddenly, he was gone. The world unfroze and the North Wind resumed its wild dance.
The next morning every tree in the forest, except for the spruce, the pine and the juniper, was stripped bare. The others stood there silently, feeling ashamed, with all their beautiful leaves sitting in piles all around them.
And that’s how it is every winter to this very day.
Sheryl's Blog Post: "Flower Essences of the Christmas Season -- Pine"
Sheryl is offering FREE SHIPPING on all products through her website anywhere in the U.S. and Canada and reduced shipping prices everywhere else. Sheryl also has new 3-perfume gift sets and a variety of quantity discounts for people who want to buy presents for everyone on their list.
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
We've recently joined the world of Facebook. We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Check us out at . Check Mama Love out at Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
The evergreen has been a potent pagan symbol in almost every culture, from prehistoric Japan to Northern Africa, from Native America to Medieval Germany. The Solstice Evergreen explores the rich spiritual heritage of this ancient symbol in depth and includes a great many myths, legends,and folk tales from across the globe as well as dozens of black and white illustrations. Gathered together in this book for the first time, this rich collection of mythology presents a unique perspective spanning many cultures and centuries.
For five years, ending in 2005, I worked as a Family Caregiving Consultant at the Alzheimer's Association and Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center helping families taking care of loved ones with incurable progressive memory loss and dementia. Trying to find services needed to provide basic care is what brought people in to see me first, but as the caregivers became more ensconced in their caregiving roles inevitably emotional and spiritual issues would become their primary concerns. My role shifted to providing a combination of practical and spiritual care. During this period I wrote a caregiver newsletter every month and this book is the result.
Unsigned copies of "The Spiritual Journey" and a nice variety of journals featuring our photography are also available online at .
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood...
Art and Photography by Sheryl Karas...
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images...
Brand New Shop, coming SOON...
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter via email, Facebook, or Twitter, etc. and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
November 1, 2009
November 2009 Newsletter

Are you ready for the dark and cold of winter? I’m not. We’re not. We certainly weren’t ready when it snowed before Halloween. Recent Bay Area transplants that we are, haven’t been in the mile-high desert of Arizona a year yet. Halloween, or Samhain, or any number names given to late harvest festivals, is one of those nicely obvious holidays which we have. The turning of the wheel of the year is towards darkness--- so what scares you? Booo! That’s an invitation to clothe yourself outwardly in your inner fears and embrace the unconscious horrors of life. Did you do that this past weekend? For the costume you put on at Halloween wards the evil away in the coming months.
In the old times this was the time of year when the veil between living and dead was considered thin, and those spirits--- mainly of departed loved ones, are given their due in remembering and reverence. Why now? Because death, or the early signs of it are all around us in nature. Also in the old days, death was certainly more likely to occur in the cold winter months. We humans do very poorly when we bury our griefs, fears, frustrations-- so dig them up ! Walk them around like zombies. Dress up in decay and yuckiness if that’s your fave and be sure to camp it up real good because that’s the whole point of it, that whatever it is dragging you downward into the cold dark grave isn’t all that scary after all. It just is. There it is. Make a parade out of it. Make art out of it. Throw a party. Oh yeah, and let's not forget sex, because the colder times lead towards lots of snuggling. Plenty of babies conceived in the darker months, when the wind howls, the trees scratch at the sky and the rain pounds upon the thatched roof. Ever notice how sex and death end up in the same basket ? One negates the other, so we associate them-- contrast; it’s an instinct to clarify and purify that which is held within.
Back to not being ready-- seems to me the point of celebrating the tolling of the bell as the season passes and heads on into the next is to make you ready, push you forward, and to do it in a spirit of celebration. It’s a wake. A happy funeral for the end of Summer.
--- Paul Hood
As the days shorten, the world gets colder, and skies get grey do your thoughts turn to those of HARVEST?
It's Harvest time! Don't forget to believe in God's timing. In the Harvest time -- even in the lean years -- it is doubly important to notice what's good, what's great, what's even stupendous in the world we live in.
The new technologies that connect us across time and space, building a new world based on global connections, breaking down barriers to understanding, peace and harmony one Internet friendship at a time... how's that for starters?
Out of work? Looking for some way to make a living? Well, that sucks... but never have people in our lifetime had more access to more possibilities to reshape their lives. We're not stuck in the past if we don't want to be. We don't have to settle for "how things have always been done." We're mobile and globally connected and we don't have to depend solely on opportunities in our own backyards. (Thank God for this -- we, for example, live 30 miles away from the closest tiny Mormon town way out in the desert!)
There's more to this, of course. It's challenging for a lot of us right now. Too many people out of work, too many businesses failing and struggling to make it through.
At least that's what makes it onto the evening news. What else is going on?
Rebelieving in positive possibilities.
Remaking of society from the inside out.
You can only hurt the people you depend on to keep you in business for so long. The oil and gas companies, the big businesses who profit from skyrocketing housing prices, healthcare, etc. can only survive if they change what serves as their modus operandi -- profit above what's best for ALL concerned. Without getting too Socialist for a spiritual newsletter, the time to think globally but act locally HAS to include what's best for all concerned or the whole thing starts to crumble down. That's what we've been seeing. That's what we've been trying to stop. And ultimately this situation must lead to the best prizes of all-- HARVEST of what will make the world whole again.
--- Sheryl Karas
Sheryl is offering FREE SHIPPING on all products through her website anywhere in the U.S. and Canada and reduced shipping prices everywhere else. Sheryl also has new 3-perfume gift sets and a variety of quantity discounts for people who want to buy presents for everyone on their list.
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
We've recently joined the world of Facebook. We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Check us out at . Check Mama Love out at Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
The evergreen has been a potent pagan symbol in almost every culture, from prehistoric Japan to Northern Africa, from Native America to Medieval Germany. The Solstice Evergreen explores the rich spiritual heritage of this ancient symbol in depth and includes a great many myths, legends,and folk tales from across the globe as well as dozens of black and white illustrations. Gathered together in this book for the first time, this rich collection of mythology presents a unique perspective spanning many cultures and centuries.
For five years, ending in 2005, I worked as a Family Caregiving Consultant at the Alzheimer's Association and Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center helping families taking care of loved ones with incurable progressive memory loss and dementia. Trying to find services needed to provide basic care is what brought people in to see me first, but as the caregivers became more ensconced in their caregiving roles inevitably emotional and spiritual issues would become their primary concerns. My role shifted to providing a combination of practical and spiritual care. During this period I wrote a caregiver newsletter every month and this book is the result.
Unsigned copies of "The Spiritual Journey" and a nice variety of journals featuring our photography are also available online at .
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood...
Art and Photography by Sheryl Karas...
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images...
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
Are you ready for the dark and cold of winter? I’m not. We’re not. We certainly weren’t ready when it snowed before Halloween. Recent Bay Area transplants that we are, haven’t been in the mile-high desert of Arizona a year yet. Halloween, or Samhain, or any number names given to late harvest festivals, is one of those nicely obvious holidays which we have. The turning of the wheel of the year is towards darkness--- so what scares you? Booo! That’s an invitation to clothe yourself outwardly in your inner fears and embrace the unconscious horrors of life. Did you do that this past weekend? For the costume you put on at Halloween wards the evil away in the coming months.
In the old times this was the time of year when the veil between living and dead was considered thin, and those spirits--- mainly of departed loved ones, are given their due in remembering and reverence. Why now? Because death, or the early signs of it are all around us in nature. Also in the old days, death was certainly more likely to occur in the cold winter months. We humans do very poorly when we bury our griefs, fears, frustrations-- so dig them up ! Walk them around like zombies. Dress up in decay and yuckiness if that’s your fave and be sure to camp it up real good because that’s the whole point of it, that whatever it is dragging you downward into the cold dark grave isn’t all that scary after all. It just is. There it is. Make a parade out of it. Make art out of it. Throw a party. Oh yeah, and let's not forget sex, because the colder times lead towards lots of snuggling. Plenty of babies conceived in the darker months, when the wind howls, the trees scratch at the sky and the rain pounds upon the thatched roof. Ever notice how sex and death end up in the same basket ? One negates the other, so we associate them-- contrast; it’s an instinct to clarify and purify that which is held within.
Back to not being ready-- seems to me the point of celebrating the tolling of the bell as the season passes and heads on into the next is to make you ready, push you forward, and to do it in a spirit of celebration. It’s a wake. A happy funeral for the end of Summer.
--- Paul Hood
As the days shorten, the world gets colder, and skies get grey do your thoughts turn to those of HARVEST?
It's Harvest time! Don't forget to believe in God's timing. In the Harvest time -- even in the lean years -- it is doubly important to notice what's good, what's great, what's even stupendous in the world we live in.
The new technologies that connect us across time and space, building a new world based on global connections, breaking down barriers to understanding, peace and harmony one Internet friendship at a time... how's that for starters?
Out of work? Looking for some way to make a living? Well, that sucks... but never have people in our lifetime had more access to more possibilities to reshape their lives. We're not stuck in the past if we don't want to be. We don't have to settle for "how things have always been done." We're mobile and globally connected and we don't have to depend solely on opportunities in our own backyards. (Thank God for this -- we, for example, live 30 miles away from the closest tiny Mormon town way out in the desert!)
There's more to this, of course. It's challenging for a lot of us right now. Too many people out of work, too many businesses failing and struggling to make it through.
At least that's what makes it onto the evening news. What else is going on?
Rebelieving in positive possibilities.
Remaking of society from the inside out.
You can only hurt the people you depend on to keep you in business for so long. The oil and gas companies, the big businesses who profit from skyrocketing housing prices, healthcare, etc. can only survive if they change what serves as their modus operandi -- profit above what's best for ALL concerned. Without getting too Socialist for a spiritual newsletter, the time to think globally but act locally HAS to include what's best for all concerned or the whole thing starts to crumble down. That's what we've been seeing. That's what we've been trying to stop. And ultimately this situation must lead to the best prizes of all-- HARVEST of what will make the world whole again.
--- Sheryl Karas
Sheryl is offering FREE SHIPPING on all products through her website anywhere in the U.S. and Canada and reduced shipping prices everywhere else. Sheryl also has new 3-perfume gift sets and a variety of quantity discounts for people who want to buy presents for everyone on their list.
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
We've recently joined the world of Facebook. We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Check us out at . Check Mama Love out at Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
The evergreen has been a potent pagan symbol in almost every culture, from prehistoric Japan to Northern Africa, from Native America to Medieval Germany. The Solstice Evergreen explores the rich spiritual heritage of this ancient symbol in depth and includes a great many myths, legends,and folk tales from across the globe as well as dozens of black and white illustrations. Gathered together in this book for the first time, this rich collection of mythology presents a unique perspective spanning many cultures and centuries.
For five years, ending in 2005, I worked as a Family Caregiving Consultant at the Alzheimer's Association and Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center helping families taking care of loved ones with incurable progressive memory loss and dementia. Trying to find services needed to provide basic care is what brought people in to see me first, but as the caregivers became more ensconced in their caregiving roles inevitably emotional and spiritual issues would become their primary concerns. My role shifted to providing a combination of practical and spiritual care. During this period I wrote a caregiver newsletter every month and this book is the result.
Unsigned copies of "The Spiritual Journey" and a nice variety of journals featuring our photography are also available online at .
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood...
Art and Photography by Sheryl Karas...
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images...
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
October 4, 2009
October 2009

Hello Everyone!
Fall is Sheryl's favorite season. Hope it is for you, too!
Sheryl and Paul
What's Your Purpose? That's What Counts!
by Sheryl Karas M.A.
One of the things readers of this newsletter might wonder about from time to time is the wisdom of us promoting so many different things—spiritual counseling and healing is not all we do. Conventional wisdom might be to focus on one, say, the spiritual counseling practice and, perhaps, augment that work by teaching workshops and selling books on related topics. But that's never been what we've been inspired to do, at least not too well. We dip a toe in here or there but we're much more likely to promote a book about the spiritual significance of the Christmas Tree, a funny collection of Paul's old short stories and poems, my Mama Love flower essence aromatherapy perfume, and both of our art and photography. On the surface that might be a strategy destined for failure.
And yet our spiritual purpose --anybody's spiritual life purpose -- isn't necessarily satisfied with a specific job title. Our life purpose isn't "Spiritual Counseling" -- that's just a specific manifestation of an underlying motivation that's more important. Why did we choose that particular mode of expression? Because the underlying purpose of the practice is to lift people up and because our background and interests in spirituality and psychology seemed an appropriate enough fit.
Spiritual upliftment. That's the underlying thread that binds all our work together. My Mama Love products would not exist if I had not received great spiritual -- and therefore emotional and physical benefits -- from using flower essences. I don't make "perfume" -- I make a product that intentionally smells good enough to be called perfume that is designed to lift the spirit.
The same with the books. By providing fun or information we intend to provide something of value to the world. I define that as a product that lifts you up and makes you feel better for having read it.
The same with the art. Some artists want to shine a spotlight on horror and make you think about it. There's a positive benefit in that but we don't do it. Paul almost invariably will point his camera at a thing of beauty and use his Photoshopping techniques to present it in such a way that focuses the eye on its inner light. Even if we attend a wedding as photographers or shoot portraits the goal is to show the love and fun and beauty of the human spirit in the faces and demeanor of the people at that event.
And what if one or both of us gave up doing spiritual counseling work altogether? That's not the plan we intend but it's highly unlikely we would ever give up the underlying motivation. Paul could become a stand-up comedian. I could make amazing cookies and the best brownies you ever ate for a bake shop. As long as we still felt we could interact with the public and they left happy with a smile on their faces and a little more joy in their hearts it might be a good day. We have that experience whenever we go to our favorite local restaurant in Taylor. Someone asked us yesterday if we really like the food at Trapper's. Well.... it's good.... but that's never been why we come in. Cindy, the owner of Trapper's, always sits down to chat with us. She's so welcoming and loving and kind we always leave lifted up. We feel nurtured in a deeper way than a simple burger and plate of fries will ever do. And it's the only reason we choose Trapper's over the Sonic Burger fast food place down the street. A place like that can't compete on that level... and never will.
Interested in a Session?
About our half length sessions: We've seen that 1/2 hour sessions are rarely adequate for deep work but can be very beneficial to determine if a longer session or series of sessions is appropriate or for follow-up questions that occur after a session is done. We also want to encourage those of you who experience a turning point as a result of a session with us to receive assistance with integrating the work and initiating any changes you want to do. Frequently, following through takes commitment and an awareness that old issues and fears will come up when you change the status quo. Does that mean you should give up? No! Get help. Set up a series of sessions with us. We'll work on it with you and help you along your way.
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
Be a Fan!
We've recently joined the world of Facebook. We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Check us out at . Check Mama Love out at http://www. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Mama Love Perfume and Massage, Body and Bath Oil
All Sheryl's Mama Love formulas are now available in a larger, more economical size for use as a massage oil or in the bath or afterwards. We live in a very dry climate now and the harsh minerals in the water are especially drying to the skin. Mama Love is made with a base of 100% organic jojoba -- the one oil closest in composition to the natural oils in your skin. It soaks in and has a deeply nurturing and moisturizing effect. They're available on the Mama Love website now for $16 for 2.oz.
Sheryl also has 3-perfume gift sets just in time for Christmas. And quantity discounts for people who want to buy stocking stuffers for everyone on their list. (We know it's too early to have mentioned Christmas but for things like this it helps to plan ahead!) (products page)
Books Hand-Autographed by the Author (Sheryl)
The Solstice Evergreen: The History, Folklore and Origins of the Christmas Tree
The evergreen has been a potent pagan symbol in almost every culture, from prehistoric Japan to Northern Africa, from Native America to Medieval Germany. The Solstice Evergreen explores the rich spiritual heritage of this ancient symbol in depth and includes a great many myths, legends,and folk tales from across the globe as well as dozens of black and white illustrations. Gathered together in this book for the first time, this rich collection of mythology presents a unique perspective spanning many cultures and centuries.
The Spiritual Journey of Family Caregiving
For five years, ending in 2005, I worked as a Family Caregiving Consultant at the Alzheimer's Association and Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center helping families taking care of loved ones with incurable progressive memory loss and dementia. Trying to find services needed to provide basic care is what brought people in to see me first, but as the caregivers became more ensconced in their caregiving roles inevitably emotional and spiritual issues would become their primary concerns. My role shifted to providing a combination of practical and spiritual care. During this period I wrote a caregiver newsletter every month and this book is the result.
Unsigned copies of The Spiritual Journey and a nice variety of journals featuring our photography are also available online by clicking here. (
Where to Find Our Art
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood...
Art and Photography by Sheryl Karas...
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images...
Where to Find Our Videos
Simplest way to tell people about us? Share this newsletter using one of the buttons below and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
September 1, 2009
September 2009 Newsletter

Hello Everybody,
Last month Sheryl mentioned that she was looking to publish a book and asked people to forward her publishing proposal and writing sample around the internet in the hopes of connecting with a publisher and/or literary agent through the power of community. It worked! Someone on this list suggested she contact an old teacher of hers. He recommended an author colleague back in Santa Cruz and that person encouraged Sheryl to contact her publisher and gave us his name. A few days later another person on this list forwarded the newsletter to someone else who forwarded it to yet another person. That person is another author who wholeheartedly recommended his literary agent and the SAME publisher the first person recommended! Interesting, huh?
At this point proposals and sample chapters have been sent to more than one publisher and several literary agents. Publishing is a BIG waiting game and you never have any real idea of how and when (or if) a book will be accepted. But the game is in play and this community has been a big help in that. Thank you very much! We'll, of course, let you know how it turns out.
An interesting set of spiritual issues that presented itself to us this month is the role of environment or context in terms of what we perceive and how we form our points of view. If you're reading this online take a look at the graphic at the top of the page. It's an optical illusion—the blue in the graphic is exactly the same color as the green. Don't believe us? It's all about context. The color is actually a blue-green. When seen next to orange our brains interpret the color as green. In the context of the magenta stripes the color looks like blue.
We could write an entire volume of books on this topic alone—how the environments we live in color our perceptions. Trust me, there's a world of difference in the experience of those who live in vibrant diverse communities next to the Pacific Ocean vs the homogeneous community in the plain arid Arizona desert we find ourselves in now! But we'll simply address a single application of this or two. At least for now. . .
Be well,
Sheryl and Paul
by Sheryl Karas
A lot of our oldest clients think we are "psychics." We ask for guidance, get information that we could not possibly know any other way. On rare occasions we get insights about the future, read people's energy fields, even hear guidance from departed loved ones and helpers from the other side. All things a psychic giving a "reading" might be expected to do.
Fortunately for us we don't see ourselves that way. . . or, to be honest, we wouldn't be able to do this work at all anymore. We don't believe that psychic work per se is healthy or unhealthy. It's all a matter of context. Many spiritual leaders say that psychic or spiritual powers in general are a significant trap on the trail of spiritual development. Others—evangelical healers for example—consider guidance from God and the healing that occurs in that instance as the highest form of service they ever do.
We think that way, too, but context is the key. We believe that excessive dependency on psychic guidance -- what's going to happen? what is so and so is thinking about me? what should I do next? -- is the antithesis of what spiritual counseling and healing work is all about. Sure, it can make all the difference— a single phrase that I receive in a session repeated out loud at just the right moment can break things wide open— but the point is healing and spiritual development and not the phrase in itself.
Spiritual growth and development in the context of living well is the motto we used on our website and in our ads for a long time. We probably chose the phrase "in the context of living a great life" but I've developed a different attitude about that now. Living a great life connotes riches to some people, power and glory to others. But when life hands you oranges when you want something more . . . oranges look like lemons. Living well isn't really hard at all, it's just hard to perceive at times. Sometimes that's what people need: a little bit of help in seeing the value in it all. . . and living well regardless of the nature of what we receive. To put a positive spin on it isn't necessary. I'm referring to a deepening of our ability to receive. To revel in life's tiny moments is something important. An apple on a tree can be something you don't consider a gift at all. But in other circumstances it can be a very sweet thing or even a matter of life or death. When we can revel in the gifts we receive they become that much more. And we can receive more readily.
May I be more specific? A few weeks ago I was given a gift and said to myself "Wow, that's really nice. Too bad I wanted something else." I took the gift, put it down for awhile and proceeded to spend enormous amounts of energy trying to have something I thought was better. And I got very very sick in the process. That got my attention. :-( By the next morning I made a new decision: that original gift was looking pretty special to me now! How could I not have noticed?
The great prophet Mick Jagger has been known to say "You can't always get what you want. But you get what you need!" Thank God, thank Goddess for that!
And that's my "sermon" for today. Be thankful for all we receive. Be well, be happy. Use our help, as you feel the need, for that!
;-) Amen
by Paul Hood
The other day I discovered that there are a few biblical quotes all falling within the same passage which have had an influence on me. An old movie by Frank Capra called "You Can't Take it With You" contains the quote "Consider the Lillies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin. . ." Later on, there's the well known "Oh ye of little faith." I use that one on Sheryl from time to time, usually when she's criticizing my driving, because if you drive with me, really, you better pray.
Eventually the passage comes around to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." After college when I was looking for a place to land, I was decidedly pointed towards a tiny little canadian province, Newfoundland and Labrador: Quaerite primum regnum dei (Latin, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God"). I took note of the motto, and didn't head straight for Newfoundland, though I hear the seal flipper pie is to die for.
Context: what do all those tiny quotes mean out of context, and why would it come up lately? What it means for me is that, like it or not there is a further re-ordering of priorities going on. We've all got our material lives, but of course there is the transcendent as well; all those higher ideals which we cherish, which make us human, really. The kingdom is within. Take care of that, and the rest will work itself out. The passage seems to promise that your earthly needs will be taken care of if you just get right with God, but if you read it in context it goes much further than that, you might even say that it's self contradictory. You can't really expect any spiritual text to place the material above the spiritual-- ain't gonna happen. So you just have to deal-- but it won't ignore the material either. These are two aspects of God, the transcendent and the immanent. And when I say God, of course I mean you, me all of us, all the stars, the earth, the air--- as material and as divine stuff.
Who and what you are in the moment, matters. If you lose all your stuff, what still matters is who and what you are. It often takes hard times for people to get spiritual. Losing your stuff, or being disappointed, not getting what you want when you want it, it can get your attention and attention: our consciousness is the only thing we do own, unfolding moment by moment. Losing your stuff is also a great opportunity to appreciate other people; who they are and what they do, and to be grateful for that. Why ? Is that an order ? Do you have to be grateful ? No, it's just a suggestion because being ungrateful feels like crap. That's the thing, no matter how spiritual books may seem to emphasize the spiritual over the material, it's all very practical in the context of the human beings reading it all: we're made of spirit, and the material world obeys the edicts of the collective soul.
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now. Be sure to tell us what time zone you are in and a couple good times you might be available for an appointment. Thanks!
Paul's Blog
Sheryl's Blog
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this email with a note saying you like us. It's easy!
August 4, 2009
August 2009 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,
Our biggest news this month is that Sheryl has finished a new book with additions by Paul and we're looking for a publisher and/or a great literary agent that can get it to a great publisher. It is said that there are just a few degrees of separation between someone you want to connect with and yourself. In other words, it occurs to us that one of the 400 or so people on this list has to know somebody who knows somebody who would be thrilled to read our proposal and give us a call.
We are both published authors. But neither one of us has worked with an agent before, and the industry has changed so much since Sheryl worked for a publishing company that a literary agent is pretty much a requirement. So we're including a brief proposal (query letter), and the first 10 pages below (at the end of the newsletter).
We KNOW this is NOT how things are typically done—we are doing the more conventional things authors and potential authors do as well. However, our book is about the importance of community—global community and the ones we share with family and friends. And in the new world of book publishing sometimes the connections you make pave the way far more than even the most well-crafted query letter could ever do. The book is about triumphing over adversity, following your heart, and reaching beyond perceived differences to heal the wounds that bind us not only individually but in the world as a whole. It's a serious subject but, as in all we do, we use the experience of our counseling practice and of our lives as illustration, add lots of spiritual insights and a fair bit of humor, too. We think it will be of help and, perhaps, inspiration to anyone going through a crisis as a result of the global recession happening today and will be of special interest to anyone who wishes to apply spiritual principles and higher purpose to the things that they do.
Please forward our newsletter or the proposal alone to anyone on your lists who might know someone in the publishing industry with the connections to see this through. We appreciate you all so much.
Thank you and God bless,
Sheryl and Paul
Sheryl is now offering all her perfumes in a more economical 2 oz. size for use as an after bath body oil, massage or bath oil. Same flower essence/aromatherapy formulations in a 100% organic jojoba oil base, still infused with Reiki—just more applicable for more liberal use. She is also now offering quantity discounts and wholesale pricing for anyone who buys in sufficient quantity online. Check out her site at .
He has lots of new photos available as both framed and unframed fine art prints for sale on Imagekind. Check out his new Southwest Gallery! New items in his other galleries, too. Check out his Imagekind site at and his updated photographer's website at .
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now. Be sure to tell us what time zone you are in and several good times you might be available for an appointment. Thanks!
Paul's Blog...
Sheryl's Blog...
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this email with a note saying you like us. It's easy!
A Memoir with Words of Guidance and Inspiration
by Sheryl Karas M.A. (with Paul Hood)
Enclosed you will find 10 sample pages of a new book by spiritual counseling and healing team Sheryl Karas and Paul Hood. Paul and Sheryl combine spiritual insights with compassion and humor in all the work that they do. Their clients know them to be quite forthright about sharing their own life experiences when appropriate as well. In this book the team takes this approach further—using the devastating experiences of losing their home and watching their business and financial well-being shaken as a result of market forces beyond their control—to apply spiritual principles to living their lives with integrity despite what has occurred.
Their journey has taken them from the Oz-like environment of Santa Cruz, CA— a progressive New Age haven like none other on the beautiful central coast—to the barren unspeakably plain eastern Arizona desert. Their trials begin immediately after the passage of Proposition 8 (the ban on gay marriage in California which was heavily backed by the Mormon Church) and they, ironically and inadvertently, wind up in a Mormon pioneer town. That's a little odd, interesting and sometimes amusing in itself but the story becomes much more than that. It's about spiritual awakening, in the sense of learning more about one's calling, and the importance of reaching beyond perceived differences to heal the wounds that bind us not only individually but in the world as a whole.
The book describes experiences millions of Americans currently face during the global economic crisis we're in today. But it is ultimately a book about triumphing over adversity, following your heart, and reclaiming one’s voice in a world which begs for an end to injustice, polarity and hate.
This 93,425 word nonfiction book, titled "Waking Up in the Great Recession Mormon Desert", is written as a memoir in the form of blog posts interspersed with articles and connecting threads. It's funny and poignant and full of moments of inspiration, too. The authors intend it to be of service to those going through a recession-related crisis of their own. It will be of special interest to anyone who wishes to apply spiritual principles and higher purpose to the things that they do.
Sheryl Karas has a B.A in Communications from Simmons College in Boston, MA and an M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA. She has written three nonfiction books in the past. Her first book, The Solstice Evergreen, was published by Aslan Publishing and has been continuously in print since 1991. Her other books are Changing the World One Relationship at a Time (Crossing Press) and The Spiritual Journey of Family Caregiving. This last book is currently available for representation as well.
Paul Hood has degrees in Religious Studies, Behavioral Science, and Creative Writing. His short stories and articles have been published in several literary magazines and newspapers.
The team can be reached through their website. They thank you for your consideration.
A Memoir with Words of Guidance and Inspiration
by Sheryl Karas M.A. (with Paul Hood)
How to Stop Worrying
by Paul Hood
How to stop worrying.
Dale Carnegie had some good ideas, but the story isn’t over yet.
It’s not as if there aren’t thousands, maybe millions of positive examples out there. So many mentors, so many shining examples of how to live life more joyously in the present moment. No, all you have to do is ask—and even sometimes when you don’t ask, somebody you know will send a truly inspiring video directly to you via the magic of email.
But all those uncountable resources, they don’t always get through, they don’t work on the truly tough cases. I recently figured out why. The brilliant, shining examples are all speaking the wrong language. For people who worry, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and other motivational speakers may as well be speaking Martian. You have to know your audience.
So let’s make a fresh start.
If you worry, it’s because you’re bad, wrong, and in all likelihood, stupid. Now, it’s not as if anything I say will change the fact that you fill your life with useless worry. No, you will continue on, day in and day out, running through your same, tired old internal rhetoric. You always do that. I’m so sick of it I could scream. I knew you would turn out this way. Why can’t you be more like your sister? You’re supposed to be the smart one. Go clean your room.
Now I’m getting through, aren’t I? If you worry obsessively it’s because you were taught to do so, either by example or by drilling into your brain that a certain world view is, in fact, reality. Of course that world view isn’t true. It’s a vicious lie. The world is filled with lies and deception. And you fell for it. God, you are so gullible. I can’t even believe it. Who raised you? Trust me, you can’t trust anyone. Look at me when I’m talking to you.
So, obsessive worry is caused by a faulty thought process, and that process is fueled by having been immersed in a world view skewed by excessive concern for safety, security and familiarity. That world view is ruled by fear, an emotion. Emotions aren’t bad or good, they just are. But it’s a useful thing to be aware of which emotions you’d be better off making a habit of feeling. Even more useful if you’re aware that your thoughts have a very direct effect on your emotions, and you can certainly learn to think useful thoughts which result in a more pleasant emotional state. Interestingly enough, more pleasant emotions tend to spawn more useful thoughts, encouraging a more positive and productive world view and that becomes a cycle which is self supporting. I’m losing you, aren’t I? Like pearls before swine. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. Look, if you don’t pay attention you’re going to miss all this good stuff and then where will you be? Screwed, that’s where. I should have known. I could have predicted this. When will you ever learn? What’s so funny, damn it? Use your indoor voice.
Worry is, in fact, oppression. It was probably taught to you by people who meant well, as it was taught to them and so on. Don’t blame yourself for that, and there’s no need to blame your teachers either. Engender forgiveness in your heart —for the fact that everything in this world is meant to change and grow. You learned one world view which has useful facets, but it was unbalanced and now you’re going to learn a new one. It’s not hard, but it might be scary. The whole reason for that fear to appear is because the new world view contradicts the old one which was based on. . . right, you guessed it, Fear with a capital “F.” Fear in this case does not indicate danger. Fear in this case indicates change, and your previous world view was constructed to sound the alarm whenever change appeared imminent. Again, be forgiving. Your friends, relatives, and neighbors may have experienced very unpleasant changes. Those changes became associated with fear, and then equated with fear, and finally any change gets viewed as bad, wrong, or even “evil.” Whoops, that’s a stretch. Only an idiot would believe something like that. An idiot like you. You and the horse you rode in on. Mercy me. Stay with me now, remember; a stitch in time saves nine. I want you to turn over a new leaf. I’m just trying to help, and there you go again, flying off the handle like always. Now don’t go off half cocked. You could put an eye out. All I’m saying is, be careful.
So worry is a habit whose emotional basis is fear. When someone is afraid, the first instinctual thing we do is tell them “everything is all right,” “you’re safe now,” “you’re home”, essentially that they are in a quiet, protected, PREDICTABLE environment. Worry, interestingly enough, is the mind trying to predict the future, and all possible variations of it. It’s an attempt to achieve readiness now, for what might occur later. That’s impossible, if you look at the sheer number of things which might happen in the future and that you can’t mathematically prepare for all of them. On the other hand, nearly every creature on this earth is a living example of being prepared for everything. You are too, I’m telling you, you’re prepared, you’re worthy, you’re a high functioning individual—the product of millions of years of evolution and a perfect child of God. And yet you think otherwise. I could slap you. I swear, right now. Oh la -dee-dah, you think you’re so special, don’t you? That you have to stay up nights running scripts in your head because you’re the one individual in history who can mentally catalog every possible future event—not just for you but for everyone and every thing in your life. Wow. Get over yourself.
Worry is oppression that is taught, and learned, based upon the idea that fear equals readiness—that feeling bad is a good idea. Maybe it’s even a responsibility. Worry embraces the concept that the one constant in the universe, change, is something to be avoided at all costs. Worry can’t exist very well in an individual unless they are living in a state of constant fear. Interestingly enough, fear can’t be upheld in an environment of faith. Oh, ye of little faith. Oppression means that you were taught that you aren’t ready for anything, that you’re inferior. That really cracks me up. I’m laughing at you right now. Pointing and laughing, and doing a little dance which is rather uncoordinated but is reminiscent of the Bossa Nova. It looks totally silly and I don’t care. You have no faith at all, you sorry bastard. Even a little child knows that he can walk around in the world and be totally joyous. Hell, baby goats know that, puppies and kittens know that. Even flowers bloom, grass grows automatically, the sun rises and sets without writing a business plan every night. Point of fact, if you worry you are dumber than dirt.
Even though change is constant in the universe, on a day to day basis a lot of things do stay the same. Our civilization is built upon a certain degree of predictability. When we want to direct specific changes, we theorize based upon past observances, we try new things and observe the results. We innovate, and innovation is faith based. We have faith in our abilities to bring positive change, and we generally know that when we try new things we aren’t usually risking much. There’s a certain amount of inertia to reality, we can’t help but be aware of that. Little mistakes do not cause the fabric of the universe to unravel. That’s another reason not to worry. Most change is incremental, not revolutionary, or to put a negative spin on it, disastrous. This is what you should forgive your oppressors for: for knowing that much of life is about balancing inertia (tradition) with incremental risks to bring about positive change. They weren’t wrong to teach you this, maybe just a little out of balance. And because they loved you so much, they may have taught you to worry, thinking they were helping you to be ready for anything. So forgive them now and know that you are ready. Peace be with you.
Ok, I hope I was speaking your language and that this helped.
If it didn’t, don’t worry about it.
I know I won’t.
My partner, lover and best friend Paul wrote this for our joint spiritual counseling and healing newsletter. We take turns writing it every month and it was a good thing it was his turn this time. You see, Paul didn’t write that article for our clients and friends. He wrote it for me. Despite my best intentions and highest ideals I slip into a fearful mode of existence far too often. He has a knack of being able to hit my issues square on the head. He makes me laugh and pops me out of it. But at the time this story begins neither one of us were laughing. All my greatest fears were coming true and there was nothing I could do to hold them back.
Chapter 1
When Life Comes Crashing Down
It was early December 2008 and I kept turning my head away from Paul. He was driving a U-Haul truck with all our worldly possessions inside, and our car on a trailer hooked to the back, and I didn’t want him to see my face. The road from Holbrook to Snowflake, Arizona, on the final leg of our journey away from Santa Cruz, California, had me in tears. Nothing but dirt and low clumps of dried out yellow grass on both sides of the highway for as far as the eye could see. It felt like we were moving to the surface of the moon—almost as stark and just as forbidding.
Why did Paul’s parents choose to live out here? What could they possibly have seen in a place like this? There was a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach and I silently prayed, “Oh please, God, let there at least be some trees on their property.”
Paul assured me that there were some but he had not been out to visit in many years. From the tone of his voice I could tell: he wasn’t quite certain that the piece of desert they lived on was very much better.
Paul and I had a fledgling spiritual counseling and healing practice before the onset of the Great Recession of 2008/2009. But living in Santa Cruz kept us from being overly aware of the impending crisis coming down the road—paying rent in the Bay area has always been hard. Just before the economy crashed, however, local housing prices truly spiraled out of control. A one bedroom apartment in a 400 square foot converted garage cost one of our good friends almost two thirds of her salary. She said she felt “lucky” to have it—typical rents were even higher.
We knew our time in Santa Cruz was limited. We had been given the gift of free rent while our friend John got his plans for how to live in Santa Cruz worked out. He was doing fine and wanted to support us in our work but his vision for his retirement was quite different. He intended to fix up his house, rent it out, and live in his own converted garage. Market rate rent for his three bedroom, two-bath house was more than we could imagine affording, he had other plans for it besides, so we knew we were going to have to make other choices. We believed we would probably leave town. What we didn’t know is that all our attempts to find another situation would fall through and that we would wind up taking refuge with Paul’s parents in the desert.
As we drew close to the tiny town of Snowflake the landscape improved somewhat. We could see a small river with skeletons of trees and family-sized ranches or farms around it. It had a hint of rural country charm but at this time of year it could hardly be called an oasis. There wasn’t a speck of green.
Paul has written a couple of short stories that use “The Wizard of Oz” as a theme. If I had a sense of humor just then I might have teased him: “Puppy (that’s his nickname), I have a feeling we’re not in Oz anymore.” By contrast Santa Cruz is like the Emerald City: lush and green, sparkling and brilliant, with a vast array of exotic flowers all year round. If you’re lucky enough to come across a circle of drummers on the beach with the typical bevy of surfers riding the waves behind them it isn’t hard to imagine “Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las” playing in the background. I always wondered why in the movie Dorothy was so desperate to get back to black and white Kansas. In the books she returns to Oz over and over again.
When we arrived in Snowflake we were still about a 30 minute drive away from where Paul’s parents chose to live. We turned left onto Snowflake Boulevard and followed the Concho Highway into what Paul’s mom affectionately calls the Arizona outback.
Af first the terrain reverted to the same barren desert landscape we had seen before but as we proceeded down the highway it became dotted with bushy green juniper trees. Again, the view stretched for as far as the eye could see. As Paul had suggested, it wasn’t much of an improvement, but I found myself breathing easier despite myself.
The road seemed to stretch to eternity. We drove on and on, searching in vain for the mile markers that were supposed to signal where to turn. Finally we saw the only landmarks we had been told to watch out for—a bright yellow diamond shaped sign with a picture of a black cow on it next to a long row of mailboxes on the right hand side and a tiny, completely unreadable metal sign indicating the turn into their neighborhood on the left. Paul’s parents were waiting at the corner to help us find the way to their house.
They greeted us with some warm hugs, “we’re so glad you’re here” and “don’t you worry about a thing.” Then we got back into our truck while they led us the rest of the way. The last five miles to the family homestead is in a confusing district of winding unmapped country lanes. Directions would have been difficult to follow. There are very few houses that can be seen from the road, even fewer landmarks, and the route consists entirely of washboard-rutted gravel and soft dirt roads.
I found myself thinking of the wonderful photographs of rabbits my online handcraft community had sent me in the month before this move. I was truly hoping for a miracle to keep this choice from happening and rabbits have always been a symbol of good luck and prosperity for me. Whenever my first husband and I got into a financial bind, by some miracle exactly what we needed would appear at the last minute. I used to joke that he pulled a rabbit out of his hat. One time an actual rabbit hopped into our yard along with the two job offers that pulled us through. Rabbits didn’t naturally occur in that neighborhood. This was a large domestic lop-ear.
When we turned into the driveway leading up to Paul’s family’s house several tiny cottontails and a huge jackrabbit scurried out of our way. His mom puts food out every day for the wildlife in the area. It turns out that Sugarfoot Ranch is a bird and rabbit sanctuary. Now there’s a cosmic joke. Despite my grief and concern I couldn’t help but recognize the significance.
The roots of our adventure began long before we had met. Paul and I both had had spiritual awakenings at earlier times in our lives. We shared an interest in spiritual growth and development as it relates to living in the physical world and had a common desire to help other people through our work. We didn’t know how to do it but we both had made valiant attempts to move in that direction nonetheless. I marked the occasion in my own life by starting a blog, an online journal meant to be shared with others.
Blog Post: Saturday, June 04, 2005, Santa Cruz, CA
Social Entrepreneurism and Starting a New Life
For my entire adult life I have always wanted to do work that followed the dictates of my heart. I'm sure most people of the baby boom generation have felt the same way but we all know how it is to follow a dream. Sometimes our belief systems and lack of knowledge about how to succeed get in the way.
My first dreams seemed completely unattainable: Pitcher for the Boston Red Sox? Oops, wrong gender. Musical comedy star? Well, that would require getting up on stage without getting sick to my stomach. Ballerina, Olympic gymnast, ice skating champ? It's funny how the dreams of a decidedly nonathletic person all center around feats of physicality. I think I'll keep the day job. Oops, I don't have a day job (more on that below).
Anyway, despite getting to the point where I no longer want to fight uphill battles when all indications say I should give up, I still have dreams for my life and if that means going up another damn hill, (sigh) I hope the universe makes it an easy climb. . .
Contact Sheryl through our website if you are a literary agent or publisher interested in this project. Please tell me what agency or publishing company you are with and include appropriate contact information (a website, etc.). Thank you!
July 1, 2009
July 2009 Healing Communication News

My Declaration of Interdependence
by Sheryl Karas M.A.
This month’s email newsletter didn’t get sent on time and I haven’t written in my blog recently either. That’s not to say that nothing has been written. But all the thoughts of this spiritual counselor and healer have been currently focused on political activism and, because I always try to be positive and uplifting, I was starting to feel like members of our list might not want to hear about it. There’s a mistake made in the New Age community that says “Thou shalt not have a single negative thought!” And, to be honest, living one’s life within a negative mindset isn’t the healthiest way to be.
However, without our “negative” thoughts how would we ever identify the things that need to change. “Ow! That fire is hot! That hurts! I feel really negative right now! I think I better turn this stovetop off before I or somebody else gets hurt again.” That’s very very different than reacting to the same life situation and saying “Ow, ow, ow. Life is so hard, there are hot evil things around every corner. Life is horrible, I’ve been hurt and now I’m going to cower in fear before anything red forever more!” We don’t advocate living like that but we do need our temporary negative reactions to help us chart a course. A more positive one, we hope, and that’s the point.
If we don’t dare to acknowledge what causes us pain we don’t tend to do anything to improve our lives. There are many of us who prefer to self-medicate with drinking or drugs, excessive TV, social distractions or even by attempting to use meditation to release our stress so we can go back to doing the same old thing. That doesn’t tend to work very well. People come to us and say they need help to learn to meditate better. Then we find out that their lives are a mess. They don’t need us to teach them meditation. That can help a person get into a more centered place so better decisions can be made, but meditation alone is not enough.
In the world today we are facing an economic crisis the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the Great Depression. Supposedly, not as great as that—but we are also facing protracted war in the Middle East, global warming, a healthcare crisis that has already reached critical proportions for large segments of our population, and a myriad of other interconnecting problems from food production to housing and everything a typical family needs to survive. These are not single answer problems and they all line up to point to an even greater issue: how have we been making these decisions in the past few decades? Who has been pulling the strings and why have we let them?
Why are alternative healthcare services maligned and subject to misinformation campaigns in the mainstream media? (Just read a typical article about homeopathy if you don’t agree.) Why have herbs that have been used effectively and inexpensively with only rare side effects been removed from the market (ephedra and sassafras, for example) while pharmaceutical related deaths and illness have reached epidemic proportions? Why do some of the most prosperous nations in the Western world provide free healthcare for their citizens while we’re letting insurance companies run the show in our country? Why are we forcing families to go bankrupt when they are refused insurance payments even after having paid into the system for many years if not decades?
I could go on and on: I used to work in eldercare services. Paul and I have been trying to help people in a field the mainstream has been taught to mistrust, fear or even hate. My credit card company just upped my monthly payments by 150% without even stating a reason for the increase. Barack Obama signed legislation that makes bait and switch tactics in regards to interest rates illegal; but my credit card company got around that by more than doubling the minimum payment instead.
Ow!!! This fire is hot!! I’ve been meditating. I’ve been doing energy healing. I’ve been using my own flower essence aromatherapy perfume. And yes, I actually do feel a little more cheerful. But not just because those stress reduction techniques have been working. I’m writing about it. I’ve written a book. (I’ve written two.) And I’m letting people know about it.
Empowering spiritually-inspired action for the highest benefit of all concerned is as spiritual as it gets.
Think about it.
Press Release campaign:
Cafepress Puts 6.5 Million of Its Business Partners Out on the Street
More Predatory Business Practices (The JPMorgan Chase Bait and Switch)
More About the JPMorgan Chase Bait and Switch
Hard Times Demand Other Kinds of Actions
Community for the Common Good
If you want to know more about how to manifest positive change in your own life and the world you influence, send us an email and make an appointment today. Sessions on manifesting life purpose (as well as health, healing, relationships, well-being, etc.) are available now. Affordable sliding scale fees make this accessible to all.
Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this email with a note saying you like us. It's easy!
June 1, 2009
June Healing Communication News

That's Paul's photo at the top of the post today. It shows the sun breaking through the clouds after a rainstorm shot from the front porch of the property we live on right now. I think it's gorgeous and a great visual metaphor for the theme of this month's newsletter—forgiveness.
We want to remind everyone again that we have new sliding scale fees -- $50-150 / hour -- and half hour sessions if desired. You do NOT have to ask in advance what you should pay. Choose the level you can afford.
And we very much want to thank, again, all of you who offered to be references for us in our search for a new place to live and provide our services. It was a nice long list and we truly appreciate it! (If you're new to our list and don't know what we're talking about you can read our last newsletter online to find out more.)
Sheryl and Paul
by Sheryl Karas
One of the recurring themes in our practice has always been the issue of forgiveness. That's a tricky issue for a lot of people, sometimes it's tricky for us. But healing always leads to our original state and that state is not hurt, resentment, anger, fear or hate.
A lot of people feel like forgiveness is a gift we bestow on someone else and, yes, it can work that way. Others feel like forgiveness can't or shouldn't be bestowed until "justice is served" or reparations have been made. But that may never happen. Meanwhile the pain we hold in our bodies and in our minds is sitting there, waiting to be released, hurting us.
According to a study by Everett Worthington, Jr. people who hold onto grudges and refuse to forgive have more stress-related disorders, lower immune-system function, and worse rates of cardiovascular disease than the population as a whole. They are also more likely to experience divorce. People who do forgive report fewer episodes of clinical depression and anxiety, have longer marriages and more friendships. Evidence is mounting that the healing forgiveness provides is directly correlated with better health.
But how can we forgive when every part of our being is shouting "Never forget! Don't let them get away with it!"?
We don't forget. But we can reduce the intensity of pain from the memory and free our souls to create healing in the situations that appear to bind us.
Let me give an example. Paul and I were still living in Santa Cruz, CA when Proposition 8 (the ban on gay marriage in California) passed. We were livid about this—we have a lot of gay friends and family members. Supposedly, one of the largest supporters of this ban, perhaps the biggest supporters, were the Mormon community and most of them lived out of state. Less than one month later guess where we wound up being? In a town that's 51% Mormon, 94% Christian (mostly Evangelical Christian) overall.
This is obviously going to be temporary place for us but we're here now...think we haven't had a few issues we've needed to work out of our own? :-)
Recently, I went through a difficult time—the economy combined with this choice has been a bit frightening for me—and I was inspired in the middle of my own healing to forgive the Mormons for Proposition 8. Now trust me, that's not what I expected to have to do! But I've learned a lot of things about the Mormons since coming here. First, we've made some good friends with members of this community, some of the most loving, open-hearted people we've ever met, and some of the most vulnerable, too, because of it. The Mormons used to be a severely persecuted group. The founders of their church were imprisoned and killed for their beliefs, Mormon families were literally driven from their homes, their farms and places of worship repeatedly burned to the ground, until they packed what they could into covered wagons and joined the pioneer movement to settle the deserts of Utah and Arizona. That's how this town came into being. It was settled by Mormon pioneers, most of whom died in the process. But the persecution didn't end even then. They were hounded in their new homes until they recanted a key distinction of their faith and way of life—what was considered an alternative form of marriage, pluralistic marriage or bigamy, still illegal throughout the United States.
Now you would think that a people hurt by a ban on their form of marriage would "know better" than to pass that hurt onto anyone else. (And some do and feel awful about it.) But that's not what this article is about. The fear expressed in those Proposition 8 ads said it well enough—they don't believe they should be forced to allow their children to be exposed to laws that directly oppose the precepts of their faith. Whether you agree with them or not, on some level that's what this was all about.
So in the middle of the night, not too long ago, I dug into my soul and said "I understand about the need for religious freedom—I was raised Jewish!— and I can forgive you." And then an amazing thing happened—my shoulders instantly dropped half an inch. I did it again and felt my body let go a little more so I kept going until all the terror I had been feeling dropped away. It didn't change anything in my outer life—my circumstances are still the same—but I feel ready to leave this community now. Not desperate to leave (like I felt when I first realized where we had come) but complete, like an essential part of my well-being was addressed by this experience. I'm still processing what that means.
Interestingly enough, part of my healing process involved forgiving myself. I needed to recognize how much I have held members of my own communities at bay, and how much pain and recrimination I heap on myself. We all do things or neglect to do things we regret. We all hold the pain of those memories inside and consciously or unconsciously recriminate ourselves for all kinds of presumed "mistakes" or "wrong-doing." Paul and I have done several sessions with people who presumed their task was to forgive others but had not even conceived of the fact that they might need to forgive themselves. Forgiveness is a healing balm for the soul. When we recriminate ourselves we are literally heaping abuse onto sorrow, terrorizing ourselves and undermining our own ability to make positive changes.
One of the most helpful things a healer ever said to me was that anyone who had experienced what I did growing up would act or feel the same way. This is a very important thing when it comes to forgiving someone else's behavior or your own. Believing that the person who committed a particular offense must have been hurt similarly or worse doesn't make the behavior acceptable but it does serve to bounce one out of "they must be evil" or "they should have known better" styles of thinking. That's just an excuse to justify revenge and refusal to forgive as a form of "retribution."
It's okay NOT to forgive right away. Jumping to forgiveness too soon for some people can be a form of self-abuse. Acknowledge the pain of what has happened, express it! But there comes a time when you need to let it go. To move on and be fully healed, forgiveness is the key.
Sometimes forgiveness is the first step towards reconciliation. There's a new video about marriage equality and religious freedom being distributed by the Courage Campaign ( in which all the participants are wearing a white ribbon, the symbol of marriage equality. The white ribbon is also an LDS (Mormon) symbol for forgiveness. Coincidence? I don't know but if it isn't maybe it's a sign. There are beliefs that the LDS and the Gay community should never be expected to agree upon but if you look at their history these two groups have way more in common than not. Staying in opposition keeps people in polarized positions. But seeing the humanity in one another, recognizing and respecting our humanness, can help people let down their guard so a better solution for all concerned can come in.
Forgiveness is an expression of that respect, it's a form of compassion—"I recognize your humanness. I feel sorry that whatever happened to have you view me as a threat has occurred. And I forgive you for the actions you took that led to hurting me." It's not the same as saying "it's alright." Forgiveness is saying "If I grew up in the same situation, with the same history, cultural mindset and beliefs, there's a possibility that I could have done the same thing."
Forgiveness is compassion for another person or group of people and it's compassion for ourselves. What is compassion? It's our original state of being, the purest form of love.
The Mormon Temple and Marriage Equality... (includes the Courage Campaign's video on Marriage Equality and Religious Freedom)
Terrorized by the Livestock
The Livestock is Terrorized by Us?
Not Planning to be a "Twit" Anytime Soon
Not much new with Mama Love this month but if you want to see some photos of Sheryl making her displays check this link-- it's kind of fun.
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April 30, 2009
May Healing Communication News

What a month -- challenging, heart-breaking and hopeful. We have a lot to share about what's gone on for us on a personal level and a couple of announcements to make. The most important announcement being THE RETURN OF OUR SLIDING SCALE! Don't let money get in the way of getting the help you desire. We also plan to travel some and may be available to do sessions in-person if you happen to be where we plan to go -- CALIFORNIA PEOPLE, PLEASE TAKE NOTE. See below for more information.
By the way, we are still interested in finding a healing retreat center or similar service that would like to offer our services in conjunction with what they do on the premises. The perfect place would be specifically oriented towards holistic healing, education, and spiritual growth. We envision it as having private spaces for spiritual counseling and healing work, perhaps a metaphysical / New Age gift shop, a cafe or community gathering space, and -- who knows -- perhaps a bed and breakfast or spiritual retreat center associated with it, too.
We have nothing to invest but our time, effort and expertise. But for the right situation there is a LOT we can offer in that regard. For a place interested in hiring us for their staff, we can offer a variety of services in addition to our spiritual counseling and healing work. We are both accomplished writers. Sheryl designs websites and does most of our marketing work. Paul is a professional photographer. And we both have experience running businesses of our own.
We are open to moving to various parts of the country.
Hope to see or hear from you all soon!
Sheryl and Paul
This month's newsletter offering is about the heartbreak we mentioned above. If you'd prefer not to read about that Paul wishes to offer you an alternative, an amusing short story he wrote many years ago called "Something About Kay".
by Paul Hood
Quite some time ago, last year in fact, Sheryl got advanced warning that one of our cats would not survive long if we moved to Arizona. We didn't share that info with anyone, and at the time I'm sure Sheryl was a bit of an antennae for news of anything that could go wrong. I didn't really want to hear it though, she didn't either, so we did our best to dismiss it. I will say that we've kept a pretty sharp eye out for coyotes, however, as that's how most people lose cats (and dogs) out here.
Much later, when we were both considering relocating (again, from here to somewhere else) we both had an independent spiritual encounter with death. It's not so hard to describe if you've ever been there: death is the game you don't win. As a healer, encountering death itself is kind of like being on a surfboard when a 100 foot tall tsunami hits. You might paddle a bit anyway, but the situation is a bit de-motivating. In this case death felt as close as my breath fogging in the night air.
I'm talking about death now, not the afterlife nor anything more than confronting the transition.
Aside from my family and friends having to deal with a whole lot of death and dying lately, there's been some scary illness a little too close to home, and it's also obvious that "transition" is in the air in other ways.
So I posted a blog a few weeks back with a picture of our precious cat, Pipa, and in that same blog posted a photo of a small reed, transplanted from the grave of one of our deceased pets. That bothered me. It didn't bother me nearly as much, however, as when Pipa actually did get sick a short while later-- and Sheryl and I got identical "hits" that there was essentially no point in giving her food and water. Very upsetting. She wasn't even that sick yet. We ignored what we heard. We took her to the vet multiple times. We did healings on her day and night. She appeared to get better, then worse, and I'm very, very sorry to report that Pipa did not make it. We miss her terribly, but we're not sorry that her suffering has ended. We did the best we could. We lost. Death is like that. We're not enemies of death. We're partners, eventually.

So we've been doing a fair amount of mourning. And in the middle of it all our primary print on demand service decided to hack the commissions of all 6.5 million artists and designers who have built their business up from nothing. We'll all lose about 70% of our income from that source-- essentially, they've killed that portion of our business until we can replace it and build it up again elsewhere. Interestingly enough, we've already encountered several upsides to this. We've now communicated with more fellow artists than ever before. We've reconsidered the big picture of our art and design work as a whole. We found a new print-on-demand service (Zazzle) with a lot of better design services and options. And, we've resolved not to put all our eggs in one basket this time. We even re-examined just about everything that we're doing and not doing.
The death card in Tarot, is not what a lot of people think it is. It's usually not about literal death, but a transition from one state to another. Often it's a happy card to get after you get past the "yikes!" factor. Azriel, the Angel of death is not a fallen Angel. He's got a job to do, and he does it. He's not a merciless bastard, however, as many of you know. He appears to have some flexibility; arrives on time-- but he'll step out for a cup of coffee sometimes, come back a few minutes or years later.
Out on our front porch the hummingbirds are going bananas doing their mating dances. The cottontails are everywhere. Things are actually turning greener out here-- as if the plants are freakin psychic about Spring because we haven't seen much that passes for moisture. And while we are sad for departed friends, money, jobs, we can't help it, we're hopeful.
Related Blog Posts:
When Miraculous Healing Isn't Enough
Being Prepared for the Worst
The Rainbow Bridge

Don't let finances keep you back from an appointment any longer. We now offer a sliding scale fee of $50-150 / hour or $25-75 for 30 minutes. The way the sliding scale works is this: Pay what you can afford. You don't need to ask permission. If you decide later that you want to pay us more or make a donation to help us keep our services affordable for others, there is a "Donation" button available on our "Make an Appointment" page for that purpose.
For those of who you who can afford it, our new flat rate fee is $150.
Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
We have been invited to stay in southern California (Yorba Linda, Orange County) for a few weeks late June through mid July and plan to sell Mama Love in various places along the way. If you would like an in-person session with us while we're in southern California, please get in touch with us and we'll try to arrange it.
SANTA CRUZ CLIENTS AND FRIENDS: We'd love to include a trip to Santa Cruz on our way to Southern California in June BUT we will need a place to stay for a week or longer and enough sessions to make it financially feasible. Interested people, please contact us! We'll see what we can do!
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