Hello Everyone!
Fall is Sheryl's favorite season. Hope it is for you, too!
Sheryl and Paul
What's Your Purpose? That's What Counts!
by Sheryl Karas M.A.
One of the things readers of this newsletter might wonder about from time to time is the wisdom of us promoting so many different things—spiritual counseling and healing is not all we do. Conventional wisdom might be to focus on one, say, the spiritual counseling practice and, perhaps, augment that work by teaching workshops and selling books on related topics. But that's never been what we've been inspired to do, at least not too well. We dip a toe in here or there but we're much more likely to promote a book about the spiritual significance of the Christmas Tree, a funny collection of Paul's old short stories and poems, my Mama Love flower essence aromatherapy perfume, and both of our art and photography. On the surface that might be a strategy destined for failure.
And yet our spiritual purpose --anybody's spiritual life purpose -- isn't necessarily satisfied with a specific job title. Our life purpose isn't "Spiritual Counseling" -- that's just a specific manifestation of an underlying motivation that's more important. Why did we choose that particular mode of expression? Because the underlying purpose of the practice is to lift people up and because our background and interests in spirituality and psychology seemed an appropriate enough fit.
Spiritual upliftment. That's the underlying thread that binds all our work together. My Mama Love products would not exist if I had not received great spiritual -- and therefore emotional and physical benefits -- from using flower essences. I don't make "perfume" -- I make a product that intentionally smells good enough to be called perfume that is designed to lift the spirit.
The same with the books. By providing fun or information we intend to provide something of value to the world. I define that as a product that lifts you up and makes you feel better for having read it.
The same with the art. Some artists want to shine a spotlight on horror and make you think about it. There's a positive benefit in that but we don't do it. Paul almost invariably will point his camera at a thing of beauty and use his Photoshopping techniques to present it in such a way that focuses the eye on its inner light. Even if we attend a wedding as photographers or shoot portraits the goal is to show the love and fun and beauty of the human spirit in the faces and demeanor of the people at that event.
And what if one or both of us gave up doing spiritual counseling work altogether? That's not the plan we intend but it's highly unlikely we would ever give up the underlying motivation. Paul could become a stand-up comedian. I could make amazing cookies and the best brownies you ever ate for a bake shop. As long as we still felt we could interact with the public and they left happy with a smile on their faces and a little more joy in their hearts it might be a good day. We have that experience whenever we go to our favorite local restaurant in Taylor. Someone asked us yesterday if we really like the food at Trapper's. Well.... it's good.... but that's never been why we come in. Cindy, the owner of Trapper's, always sits down to chat with us. She's so welcoming and loving and kind we always leave lifted up. We feel nurtured in a deeper way than a simple burger and plate of fries will ever do. And it's the only reason we choose Trapper's over the Sonic Burger fast food place down the street. A place like that can't compete on that level... and never will.
Interested in a Session?
About our half length sessions: We've seen that 1/2 hour sessions are rarely adequate for deep work but can be very beneficial to determine if a longer session or series of sessions is appropriate or for follow-up questions that occur after a session is done. We also want to encourage those of you who experience a turning point as a result of a session with us to receive assistance with integrating the work and initiating any changes you want to do. Frequently, following through takes commitment and an awareness that old issues and fears will come up when you change the status quo. Does that mean you should give up? No! Get help. Set up a series of sessions with us. We'll work on it with you and help you along your way.
We do telephone sessions with people all over the world. Visit our "Make an Appointment" page to make your appointment now.
Be a Fan!
We've recently joined the world of Facebook. We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Check us out at http://tinyurl.com/HealingCommunication . Check Mama Love out at http://www. facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Mama Love Perfume and Massage, Body and Bath Oil
All Sheryl's Mama Love formulas are now available in a larger, more economical size for use as a massage oil or in the bath or afterwards. We live in a very dry climate now and the harsh minerals in the water are especially drying to the skin. Mama Love is made with a base of 100% organic jojoba -- the one oil closest in composition to the natural oils in your skin. It soaks in and has a deeply nurturing and moisturizing effect. They're available on the Mama Love website now for $16 for 2.oz.
Sheryl also has 3-perfume gift sets just in time for Christmas. And quantity discounts for people who want to buy stocking stuffers for everyone on their list. (We know it's too early to have mentioned Christmas but for things like this it helps to plan ahead!)
http://www.mamaloveproducts.com (products page)
Books Hand-Autographed by the Author (Sheryl)
The Solstice Evergreen: The History, Folklore and Origins of the Christmas Tree
The evergreen has been a potent pagan symbol in almost every culture, from prehistoric Japan to Northern Africa, from Native America to Medieval Germany. The Solstice Evergreen explores the rich spiritual heritage of this ancient symbol in depth and includes a great many myths, legends,and folk tales from across the globe as well as dozens of black and white illustrations. Gathered together in this book for the first time, this rich collection of mythology presents a unique perspective spanning many cultures and centuries.
The Spiritual Journey of Family Caregiving
For five years, ending in 2005, I worked as a Family Caregiving Consultant at the Alzheimer's Association and Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center helping families taking care of loved ones with incurable progressive memory loss and dementia. Trying to find services needed to provide basic care is what brought people in to see me first, but as the caregivers became more ensconced in their caregiving roles inevitably emotional and spiritual issues would become their primary concerns. My role shifted to providing a combination of practical and spiritual care. During this period I wrote a caregiver newsletter every month and this book is the result.
Unsigned copies of The Spiritual Journey and a nice variety of journals featuring our photography are also available online by clicking here. (http://stores.lulu.com/healingcommunicationpress)
Where to Find Our Art
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Art and Photography by Sheryl Karas... http://SherylKaras.imagekind.com/
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl
Where to Find Our Videos
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