Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
The article included here this month is written by Sheryl but Paul has a couple of articles elsewhere online, too. One is a funny piece called "Bliss over Ignorance Divided by "Is" and it's at http://paulhood.blogspot.com/2007/11/because-ill-need-to-know-based-on.html. The other is about Spontaneous Kundalini and our experiences answering questions about that. It's at http://paulhood.blogspot.com/2007/11/spontaneous-kundalini.html.
Except for the tidbits of news we've included below, that's all we have to say for now. We both wish you a wonderful Christmas season and lots of love and joy in the coming year.
Sheryl Karas and Paul Hood
Bring the Light Back Home
Starting in 1980 I spent almost 8 years (part-time) researching, writing and illustrating a book about the pagan origin, history and folklore of the Christmas Tree. It was called The Solstice Evergreen and it was once called the “definitive book” on this particular topic. Not a surprising feat, given that at the time it was the ONLY book that covered this subject in any depth. It’s still in print and I still have a few copies available for sale through our websites, the quickest link being http://www.healingcommunication.com/myproducts/solstice.html .
In pagan cultures, the evergreen had great meaning but the depth of its significance has mostly faded away from public memory. Oh, many of us have heard that because it stayed green in the winter when everything else appeared to die that it represented the promise of eternal life, and that IS significant in itself. But the meaning of this statement goes far beyond the simplistic season change explanation most of us might expect.
Because the evergreen tree grew on the earth with its roots stretching down into the underworld and its branches reaching to Heaven, it was used to symbolize the passageway between different states of existence. Furthermore, ancient peoples believed, as many of us do today, that the soul is eternal. It’s not just the world that was promised to return to life each Spring—the SOUL never dies as well. It simply transmutes itself into some other form. Ancestor spirits were perceived as living on in the world around us and in some cultures they were thought to most often reside in large evergreen trees. A grove of evergreens was considered, for multiple reasons, a sacred sanctuary. And, like many churches today, they were used as a place of salvation for sinners (runaway prisoners) attempting to escape capture and punishment. These trees were never cut down and it was forbidden to even break a branch. Ornaments representing the gods and offerings to them were hung in the trees by various cultures and that evolved into the custom we do today.
In flower essence therapy the evergreen plants we most associate with Christmas, the Holly and the Pine, are used to increase a person’s ability to give and receive love and for self-forgiveness and compassion. Compassion and forgiveness, salvation and eternal life with the addition of the coming of a personal savior, aren’t these qualities the true significance of the holiday so many people celebrate today?
As we enter into the holiday gift-buying and giving frenzy, it’s easy to forget what this flurry of activity is all about. It’s darker and getting cold, the leaves have dropped off the trees in northern climates and since Halloween the aura of death is all around. We contract against the cold, and naturally seek the warmth and comfort of what matters most. Love—gathering together with family and friends—and faith—believing with all one’s heart and soul that if we do all pull together we’ll make it through. No matter how dark and cold it is we’re affirming that the world is not coming to an end. With the passing of Winter Solstice (Dec. 22 this year), we celebrate the birthing /return of the sun (Son) with all the attendent hopes and dreams this new light will bring in the time yet to come.
Spiritual Counseling, Mama Love Perfume and Reiki-Infused Gifts
If you haven't done so already, consider giving the gift of healing this Christmas and wrap it in lots of fun! Paul and I approach our work with a sense of humor. And yes, you can ask us for a gift certificate and give a session or more with us to one or more of your friends! We're cute and cuddly and lots of fun to be with, but if putting a session with us under the tree isn't your style, why not try another cute, fun and cuddly gift—a Reiki-infused teddy bear and Mama Love perfume! 12 original formulas in all plus three made especially for Christmas. Visit the "products" section of the Mama Love perfume site at http://www.healingcommunication.com/mamaloveproducts/mamaproducts.html .
Nature Photography and Nature Gifts
Paul and I believe there is an inherent connection between health, healing and our connection to the natural world. Of course, that extends beyond what we can see to the universe and All That Is. . . but why not start where we're at on the day to day? Bringing elements of the life we live with into sharper view is at the heart of what a spiritual counselor does but it's also a huge part of what artists are all about, too. We spend most of our recreational hours outdoors looking for opportunities to use our cameras and this last Thanksgiving weekend was no exception. We spent it at the Australian and South African flower gardens at the UCSC Arboretum and had a GREAT shoot. We put lots of photos up on our Cafepress gift shop (http://www.cafepress.com/paulnsheryl) already. And I'm in the process of creating an exotic flower photo section -- you can see that work in progress at http://www.cafepress.com/paulnsheryl/3989078.
Donate a Reiki Bear to the Homeless Shelter
The Rebele Santa Cruz Homeless Shelter has brand new toys (they can't accommodate the large supply of used ones they get) on their wish list. Sheryl will be donating several of her healing bears to the children there this Christmas. If you'd like to do that, too, she's offering her bears at a reduced price (if they're used to add to her donation only) through her website. Visit http://www.healingcommunication.com/mamaloveproducts/mamaproducts.html and go to the very bottom of the page.
Interested in a session? Send us an email or give us a call at (831) 325-4076.