March 5, 2007

March Articles

Psychoanalysis of the Miracle
by Paul Hood

A good friend just asked me,

“Have you "investigated" miracles? Seems we've talked about that before. Where do they REALLY come from? Are they ever part of our subconscious at work, I wonder.”

Have I investigated miracles: Yes, in some ways. I don't know that you can subject them to the laboratory. They're generally considered "anecdotal" which means they can't be reliably repeated under laboratory conditions, therefore they tend to fall outside the realm of scientific investigation. Other phenomena seems to hold up pretty well in the lab, including Psi experiences which some people think are miraculous, not scientific or explainable in normal terms.

But the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming, miracles happen all the time. Just not to everybody and not in every situation. I'm not saying miracles couldn’t happen to anyone at any time, just that sometimes they don’t happen when you think they should, and sometimes they do happen when you think they shouldn’t.

Something else happens too; bad luck. You could think of it as the flip side of a miracle. Sometimes it hits the same person again and again. Sheryl and I just got a call from a young woman who thought she was cursed. We determined that we weren't the best people to work with her (I still don't know exactly why), but I did talk to her for a long time on the phone about keeping positive intentions and avoiding setting up a downward spiral of belief/manifestation. We often participate in our own miracles, maybe we do create them. The "law of attraction" says we do all the time, that we're constantly creating our own reality by what we hold in our minds and hearts, for good or ill. Makes sense that we could create our own bad luck, but why does a miracle, or conversely a run of bad luck sometimes seem to come right out of the blue for no rhyme or reason? It's not always so simple, we live in a consensus reality which we all create together. The company you keep is important too. As is how you choose to live your life and how you describe it. However, everyone experiences some suffering in their lives and I don't know that anyone can avoid that forever. "Investigating" miracles opens up a whole can of worms, so to speak, it goes to the heart of our lives if you take it very far at all, raising a lot of questions, maybe more than I can answer in a single article. One person who contacted Sheryl and I pointed out how sometimes terrible events in a person's life can lead to a complete and miraculous transformation-- that we should be just as thankful for our suffering as we are for all the good things that we receive.

Read More here.


Good luck? Bad luck? An Old Story

There is a Taoist, some people say "Zen," story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically. "May be," the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed. "May be," replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. "May be," answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. "May be," said the farmer.


Do You Really Need to Know the Future?
by Sheryl Karas

Early in our practice dire predictions of the future our clients could do nothing to prevent came up all the time. It was upsetting. I didn't want to tell people these things but we had set the intention that only what was in the highest benefit for all concerned would occur.

Read more here.

More on Predictions of Death
by Sheryl Karas

Many many years ago I used to listen to a radio psychic I respected a lot who, one day, spent part of his show talking about ethics and why he would NEVER tell anyone about bad things happening in their futures, especially never predicting about their deaths. The VERY NEXT WEEK a man called in the very late stages of terminal cancer.

Read more here.

The Good and Bad Process in Positive Manifestation
Sheryl speaking here... as I'm compiling all these blog entries for this newsletter I'm reminded of the old saying "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." It seems like it's human nature to want to put a label judgment of "good" or "bad" on an event and to want to avoid "bad" events at all costs. I think that's why we get obsessed with the future and why so many people (myself included) have latched onto "The Secret" as if it's the be all, end all suffering to our existence. It isn't. Bad things happen even with the BEST intentioning. Sometimes what we wish for most has unintended consequences we never would have dreamed possible—for better AND for worse. Sometimes bad things lead to great consequences—choices we wouldn't have made, people we never would have met. Sometimes we never see the benefit in our life times. . . but future generations might tend to disagree. And then again... it's all evolution. It's said that a meteor crashing into the Earth and changing the climate patterns killed the dinosaurs off. How unfortunate! For them. I'm not sure I want to live with saber-toothed tigers and tyrannosaurus rex in my backyard. A judgement. Good, bad, it's always some of both. I had a conversation with my guides about that. They had very interesting things to say. Click here to read more...


Links to Other Blog Entries We Want You to See

What's All This About Meditation?

The Angels Among Us

And there's a lot more.
We're highlighting specific things we write in this email format. If you want to see it all check out Paul's Blog at and Sheryl's Blog at .

And, oh yeah, we don't spend ALL our time writing.

If you want a session, give us a call at (831) 325-4076. We'll save a place for you!

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