June 3, 2007

June Newsletter

Hi Everybody,

We're doing a plain text newsletter this month. We've gotten some feedback that at least two people on our list have trouble reading our emails because we add pictures and include html code. Chances are you either have an old mail reader that can't handle these items or you have your preferences set to either reject html or convert it to plain text. If you need to receive things from us in plain text please tell us -- we'll start a separate mailing list for that. Otherwise you can always read our newsletter online at http://www.healingcommunicationnews.blogspot.com . We have all our past newsletters, including photos, archived there and will include a link to that site at the top of our mailing each month. Thanks!

Rate Increase:
It's become clear to us that we need to change our rates. The new rates are pretty close to what most people pay us anyway: $75- 150 / hour to work with one of us OR $125-180 / hour to work with us both.

Art As A "Day Job"
Well, probably not. But both of us have always wanted to find ways to share our artistic talents in addition to the spiritual counseling and healing work we love to do. Oddly, we get more excited by the idea of seeing our images on things people can use like coffee mugs and refrigerator magnets (!) than limiting ourselves to pieces to hang on the wall. We decided to team up with an internet on-demand printing site as a place to begin. You can see our initial efforts at http://www.cafepress.com/paulnsheryl . We expect to add lots more stuff as time goes on.

Just For Fun
We've been advertising on Craig's List since the beginning of our practice -- we got some of our first clients that way and got hooked. We're still learning the ropes of how to advertise on the internet and took it all so seriously at first (and still put very straight forward serious ads up). But now we're starting to experiment a bit and have more fun. Surprise! Hits on our website went up as soon as we did. Now we're running an ad campaign based around Paul's fictitious guru Fred, the grand master of the tea kettle. Recently Paul had Fred disappear unexpectedly; a presumed ascension. But then a disturbing report came through a trusted friend. Sheryl immediately launched a campaign to "save" Fred. We don't know how this is going to end up but if you'd like to read the whole story (so far), or join the "Save Fred!!!" movement by buying a T-shirt, you can do so at http://www.healingcommunication.com/savefred.html .

Trusting Your Heart (This month's article, written by Sheryl)

Paul and I have been sitting with the possibility of us doing some kind of support group or class. It seems likely to happen sometime this summer but we're still working out how and when. In the meantime we did hear from one person that they wanted us to share how to trust that one's inner guidance is genuine. I felt the question was at the heart of why so many people come to us in the first place--not knowing how to trust their hearts--so I thought I'd talk about that issue here.

This could be the one concern everyone has from time to time, myself included. How do you know the difference between "genuine" guidance and one's typical self-talk mix of hopes and fears, "shoulds" and desires? Well, as I said before, sitting with something you're not sure about—especially when there may be fears running the show for better and for worse—is always the right choice. Far easier to get a more genuine response if you can get into a more meditative place before even asking. So, that's step one.

Then, when you're not feeling driven by urgency and/or fear check inside again: is this something you really want to do? Something you dream about doing? Desire with all your heart (whether it would be good for you or not?) Would you desire to have this thing you're dreaming about EVEN IF it led to "mistakes" being made, disappointments, criticism, etc.? Well, if you really want it and trust that whatever the consequences are that you'll be able to pick up the pieces again and walk away with your head held high (at least I tried), go ahead. That's your heart leading you forward.

If not, then you need to look at why you're being nagged about this decision. Fear can be a good teacher, too. "Gee, I haven't done the dishes. I SHOULD do them before going to bed but I'm just so tired. I really don't want to........but I know the consequences will be a return of the horrendous ant infestation we had last week when I did the same thing so.........ok, fear and "shoulds" win out. I really don't feel like the consequences of my action are worth going to bed early. You get the difference. Sometimes "shoulds" need to be listened to. Sometimes they don't. Think about the consequences. What are the "shoulds" attempting to protect you from?

The last part of the process involves timing. Especially when there are risks involved, emotionally or physically. Sometimes you just need to do what needs to be done to feel more prepared. Other times the need to act isn't developed enough to overcome the inertia of staying in one place (which can also be a great thing to do). Right timing is part of everything. I tend to trust myself more when I've done the preliminary groundwork and the momentum builds up to a dull roar. For me, an inner clamoring starts to happen and then I know it's time to get 'er done.

This topic could be discussed over time in several emails or group meetings. I welcome your comments or suggestions.

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