Letter From the Editors
Paul and Sheryl have nothing to say this month! We thought about nothing, wrote nothing . . . APRIL FOOL'S! But we have lightened up. After all it's spring, our cats are leaping all over the house and on each other, we've met some really great people this month and enjoyed our sessions with them immensely, and it's really a great time to be alive.
Enlightenment, Loving Life and Video Online
by Sheryl Karas
Hee hee. Paul got a small camera with video capability for his birthday and we've been trying it out by playing at interviewing each other about topics on our mind. Some were quite funny, others ridiculously long. Then we realized the importance of editing . . . uh, oh. We managed to get a few online (http://www.healingcommunication.com/videos.html). In one I got Paul on tape talking about what it was like to have a Kundalini awakening at the age of 13 and how that led to him having a very matter-of-fact attitude on the subject of enlightenment and "being enlightened." Not that he doesn't care strongly about spiritual advancement himself -- it's been the most driving passion of his life since he was very young -- but it doesn't make you superior. You're still you and you still have to live on the planet and figure out how you want to live your life.
That's been a theme this month. As a child of the 60s I grew up hearing that the transcendant spiritual path was the "cure" for all physical suffering and internalized the belief that if one could just learn to meditate well enough all your mundane material world concerns would just go away. Since I didn't grow up meditating and studying any spiritual teachings besides Judaism my thinking on the subject was probably colored more by the times I was living in than any true instruction on the subject. Still, even as an adult, after having woken up to a more spiritual perspective than I had before and having had a Kundalini awakening myself, I still haven't found the transcendent path to be a cure for my ills on the physical level. Far from it! What's up with that?!
I suppose if I chose to stay in the state I experienced in my expanded meditative state of mind all the time that may be so -- I certainly feel free from all pain then -- but remaining in that state while getting off the meditation cushion, going to work and focussing on physical reality is a choice even the most adept spiritual masters would be hard pressed to maintain. Today (Wednesday), I think, I got some insight.
Woke up this morning unclear on what I most needed to do related to money-making and work. My guidance lately has been to stay on the path of balance in ALL aspects of my life but evidently my expectations of what balance ought to be has absolutely nothing to do with what my higher guidance thinks I need. I asked today "What do I need to work on next?" Their answer: "Melatonin."
It turns out there were multiple levels of meaning in that request (as one of our clients pointed out) but what I knew it meant up front was that I should take the time to go outside and soak up some sun. Work on my melatonin production -- my sun tan! And I didn't appreciate that answer! (grumble, grumble). My uptight Bostonian self has bought way too much into the Puritan work ethic to put playing outside on a weekday ahead of work!
But we DID go outside. Paul and I went out for breakfast and then went for a walk on Seabright Beach. Paul brought his camera and we both took lots of pictures, mostly of birds and the local scene. Then we came across more than a dozen tiny seals very close to the shore carousing in the surf! Surfing seals? I knew they played but this had to be seen to be believed. Way cool! Way fun! And I really did appreciate being out there to see it.
Somewhere in the middle of this I remembered the very little I know about Tibetan Medicine and practices involving the Medicine Buddha. According to this very ancient tradition balance among the physical, psychological and spiritual elements of human existence is the essence of true health. And one of their many cures for illness on the physical level is to meditate on the seven limbs (bojjhangas) of enlightenment, one of which happens to be joy. (Read more about Tibetan medicine at http://www.dharma-haven.org/tibetan/tibetan-art-of-healing.htm . )
Joy. How about joy of living in a physical body on this very physical Earth? Playing. Having fun. It's important. And it makes life worthwhile. What do you enjoy doing? What do you enjoy experiencing? Make sure you make time for that every day. _________________________________________________________________________
"By stimulating and directing positive, joyous feelings we can change the essence of our inner patterns and experience. When positive or joyous feelings and attitudes pass through each organ and circulate throughout our whole system, our physical and chemical energies are transformed and balanced." -- Tarthang Tulku
More Writing
Okay, we did write this month - several articles apiece where we work out some of our thoughts about miraculous healing, the power of intention in the process, and why it works sometimes and not as well at others. I shared why and how I got interested in doing medical intuition and what it meant to my life, and also how I got started doing energy healing and what I got out of that. Paul's blog is at http://paulhood.blogspot.com/ . Mine is at http://healingcommunication.blogspot.com/ . _________________________________________________________________________
What's in a Name?
Apparently quite a bit when it comes to selling products. As some of you may know I (Sheryl) have a small business selling healing perfume, kind of an oddity in the natural products field. It's a completely organic product (which is rare enough in the perfume industry) that is designed specifically for emotional healing. They're made with flower essences (an offshoot of homeopathy that have NO smell) and essential oils to take advantage of the healing properties of each. You use them once in a while for transient effects or daily over several weeks for long term and sometimes permanent transformation. I use them myself, test marketed them on others, and know that (if you pick the right one) they work amazingly well. . . But how does one go about marketing something like that?
Well, naming the individual perfumes has had some effect and today I want to announce three new name changes:
Creating Healthy Boundaries
This one used to be called "Balanced Caregiving" but it's become obvious that that limits who people think the product is for. What it does is address the typical codependent dilemma of being overly influenced and consumed by other people to the detriment of one's own well-being. It helps you come back to yourself and it does it fast!
PMS, Postpartum & Menopause Support
Oh! What a BORING name change this one is -- it used to be called "Women's Changes" -- but people didn't really know what it was about before. This addresses the specific but very cyclic issue of emotional imbalance that occurs in conjunction with hormonal change. It is NOT for pregnancy -- those hormonal changes are different. Rather it addresses issues that seem to come up when we as women are letting go of what no longer serves us -- monthly, after pregnancy, and at our final reproductive changes at menopause. It helps you integrate the lessons of those times and transition into a new state in a smoother fashion.
Opening the Heart
This one used to be called "Heart-Centered Sexuality" but it never really was about sex. I asked my guides for a "true" aphrodisiac, thinking as a member of the Viagra age that that's what it would be all about ! Oh silly me. Aphrodisiacs are LOVE potions -- not sex potions! They're for enhancing your willingness to give and receive love and they work by opening the heart chakra. You can buy my perfumes directly from me in person or through my perfume website at http://www.mamaloveproducts.com. Or, locally, visit Artisans Gallery downtown, Way of Life next to New Leaf Market on 41st Ave or Amoureuse on Soquel Ave. across from Gateways bookstore. _________________________________________________________________________
Want a Session?
We have slots available in the afternoon and early evening weekdays and most weekends. If you've never made an appointment with us make sure to check out our "Typical Session" page (http://www.healingcommunication.com/sessions.html), and "Fees" page (http://www.healingcommunication.com/fees.html) first. Then call us at (831) 325-4076 or send us an email.
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