Hello Everyone,
Short and sweet this month! Because we are taking classes at the college and final projects are due right when people are doing last minute online Christmas shopping, Sheryl is offering an incentive to Mama Love fans to shop early!
Enter the coupon code [sign up at right to get this newsletter via email to receive the code] at check out in her Etsy shop and you will get 20% off your entire order (not including shipping) until December 1st. This even includes already discounted items like gift sets and bulk discounts. For example, you can already buy three same size items and get one free. Now you can get that discount and an additional 20% off as well. This is the biggest sale of the year and the last one of the year so take advantage and stock up! Visit the Mama Love Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/MamaLoveOrganics .
Keep in mind that it is impossible to figure out the combined shipping charge for multiple items in advance. Rest assured that any overcharge is always refunded (based on the actual price of shipping including packaging plus $2.50).
Okay, that's it this time. Have a wonderful month!
Sheryl and Paul
Spiritual Counseling and Healing Work
Book a session… http://www.healingcommunication.com
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
November 4, 2014
October 5, 2014
October Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
I haven’t done this in a very long time but I thought it might be interesting for people curious about my Mama Love Flower Essence Aromatherapy formulas to get a taste of what I share in my blog about the work I do in this area. My formulas are not typical. They’re spiritually guided. That means that even though I have training in Flower Essence Therapy and always back up my intuition with grounded investigation and testing, I frequently am guided to include essences I would not have thought to include any other way. It’s fascinating to me actually. I’ve learned more from this work on the spiritual level than I ever would have expected.
The blog article I want to share with you is about Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco) and why it is one of the key essences used in my Restful Sleep formulas. But to keep this newsletter short and sweet I’m just including the link… http://healingcommunication.blogspot.com/2014/09/why-nicotiana-for-restful-sleep.html
Otherwise, there isn’t much more Paul and I want to say this month. It’s my birthday. We’re celebrating by making room for lots of fun things to occur.
Happy October!
Sheryl (and Paul)
Book a session… http://www.healingcommunication.com
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
September 6, 2014
September 2014 News
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© Copyright 2014 Paul Hood |
Hi Everybody,
Thanks for signing up for our newsletter if you have recently signed up. Sheryl is running a special for newsletter subscribers only in her Etsy shop— 10% off your entire order including already discounted gift sets and bulk items if you type the coupon code [Sign Up for the Email Version of this newsletter to get the code] where prompted to do so at checkout.
Why the Etsy shop and not her own website? Because Sheryl is experimenting with products she has not committed to yet and needed a venue where she could easily just produce a mini-batch of a product and put only the amount available up for sale. Go check out what she’s experimenting with! http://mamaloveorganics.etsy.com
Have you ever stopped to consider how your perception is tainted by your beliefs, the mindset you’re in, even the context in which you’re perceiving things?
For example, the open field across from our apartment is being bulldozed in preparation for putting in new housing. We’re a little unhappy about it because, even though that field is dried-out most of the year and is possibly even a fire hazard, it has rabbits and frogs and billowing mounds of wildflowers for a month or two every Spring and gives us the feeling of being on a country road…even though we’re really not.
Paul says “Look at all that destruction!” But the workers who were unemployed and desperately seeking work in recent years see it very differently. That “destruction” is “construction” and it’s going to be housing people relatively affordably and keeping a roof over the workers’ heads as well. Destruction/construction…neither viewpoint is incorrect. It’s the yin and the yang of a situation that involves choices that are actually far more complex.
And to make the issue of perception even more complex… you know the old saying that what you pay the most attention to increases? Well, if you’re on Facebook and click “Like” on things this is absolutely going to be the case! They have algorithms that tweak what you see in your newsfeed based on what you and your Friends “Like”. That holds double for the ads you see but it influences which posts you see by your friends as well. If you “Like” a political post about little children losing limbs as a result of war you’ll see a lot more about that even though you might not really like seeing that kind of thing at all. And trust me, as a person who used to do a type of social work, I (Sheryl) can attest to the fact that what you are exposed to most can radically change your point of view.
I was a Family Caregiving Consultant in Santa Cruz and listened to people dealing with the most horrific situations day in and day out. If you had interviewed me early in my career back then I would have told you things I was dead sure about in regards to these issues. And to a great extent what I had to offer was true. Except for one thing: I only met people who were in difficult enough situations to be desperate enough to reach out for help! Poor people, for example. People whose ailing family member was mean-spirited or difficult. People who didn’t have family members who could help. Etc., etc. I developed the impression that people who did family caregiving were more likely to be overstressed to the point of ill health. (And there are statistics that would back me up.) I spent the bulk of my time teaching people to take care of themselves and was angry and convinced that my job was created to help the state or federal government avoid spending the money to provide even more valuable systems of care.
But towards the end of my caregiving consultant career I learned other interesting things. Despite the stress and difficulties, people who take care of an aging parent or ailing family member report much more satisfaction with the experience than people who depend entirely on professionals or other family members and don’t do any hands-on family caregiving at all. It might have stressed some people to the point of ill health but their choices left them feeling better about themselves and closer to the loved ones they cared for. There were gifts in having done it and they rarely had enough regrets to regret having taken it on. They could use more help— don’t get me wrong—but I was mistaken in thinking that the pain of the situation overshadowed the benefit. Except in the worst circumstances (the ones I saw most often), the opposite is closer to the truth.
So? Why am I telling you this?
Because the world is not black and white and yet the world situation we live in is getting so polarized. Because it’s easy to be righteously indignant about what other people do or don’t do without being able to hear the elements of truth that may exist in their point of view. And because we can be mistaken about what’s “good” or “bad” in our own life situations, forgetting that the yin and the yang of a situation are both sometimes necessary parts of the whole.
And one more thing: because sometimes the only way to change a mostly negative situation is to have the intensity of your pain fuel your need to learn what you need to know, set a new direction, ask for help, and have the courage to follow through.
Spiritual Counseling and Healing with Paul and Sheryl
Book a session… http://www.healingcommunication.com
Where to Find Our Artwork
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
Where to Find Our Videos
Join Us On Facebook
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Thanks for All Your Referrals!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
August 3, 2014
August 2014 Healing Communication / Mama Love News
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Upper Bidwell Park at Sunset © Copyright 2013 Paul Hood |
Oh, the hot days of Chico, CA summer are really something else! Luckily, it does cool down enough after sunset for us to enjoy walks in nature outside which is certainly one of our favorite things to do. The photo of Upper Bidwell Park above came from one of our daily walks. We can bike to this area from our house… if we wanted to at this time of year. But you know the old saying, if life gives you what you think of as lemons, make lemonade? Being stuck inside too much has made Sheryl very much more productive in her Mama Love product making activities. And she has new triple strength flower essence aromatherapy perfume balms to celebrate! So the newsletter is devoted to that this time.
People and retail stores who have known my Mama Love products from the beginning – Thank you, Cay Fisher from The Phoenix Shop at Nepenthe in Big Sur! —know that I originally intended my first products to be used as perfume with wonderful healing effects. But that was years ago (2003) and I was hyper-sensitive to all sorts of things back then and was ultra-cautious about what I put on my skin. I made all my products at true aromatherapy strength to be safe for most people most of the time. I wanted you to be able to use them liberally without fear but many people didn't think they were strong enough to be used as true perfume. I eventually removed the perfume label and even changed the name of my business as a result.
There are many people on my list who really appreciate my commitment to safety. Have no fear that I'm changing my original formulas—I’m not— but fast forward to 2014 and I'm much healthier and no longer so sensitive. Sometimes I want to use something stronger for a perfume! And I wanted a product that would be much harder to tip over and spill.
So, after a fair bit of trial and error, my triple strength healing balms were born. They're soft (easy to apply) semi-solids in conveniently sized jars that are easy to take with you in your purse or backpack so you can reapply as desired throughout the day. The jars hold twice as much product as my original dram-sized formulas so, unless you love them so much you use them up faster, they should last a long time. They are still designed with safety in mind but you use them as perfume, not as a product you could use in your bath or a healing massage. (Except for spot work, in which case certain ones are highly recommended.)
You can find them online at www.healingcommunication.com/mamaloveproducts/perfume-balms.html
You can buy three, get one free here: http://www.healingcommunication.com/mamaloveproducts/gift-sets-and-bulk-discounts.html
And they are also available wholesale (write and ask for details).
Book a spiritual counseling and healing session… http://www.healingcommunication.com
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
July 7, 2014
July Mama Love / Healing Comunication News
Hello Everyone,
Biggest news this month? Sheryl’s new Mama Love website is done! It’s been quite a long time in the making — she had to learn a new website creation program to do it— but it’s done! Come check it out!
There Are No Wrong Turns, Just Unexpected Paths
“Ha!” Paul said when I showed him one his photos with this quote applied. “I can think of a wrong turn a person could make,” he said. "How about using meth? This is s a meme, a quote taken out of context. Obviously, some 'unexpected paths' are worse than others. If you want to call them 'wrong turns,' be my guest!"
But on the occasion of finally getting my website up to date, I have an admission to make. This was an undertaking with twists and turns I never would have anticipated.
For example, I never expected that the software I used to create the original version of my website (iWeb) would be dropped by Apple and left unsupported. I never expected that that old software would convert most of my text to graphics so my website became practically impossible to find on the web. And I never expected how many choices I would encounter when it came to creating another.
I actually spent an entire semester taking a class in Dreamweaver which taught me most of all how much I didn’t want to use that program! Then I taught myself Adobe Muse but, as it turns out, that program assumes an understanding of how websites are best created that I actually needed that Dreamweaver web design class for! Not the Dreamweaver part but the web design processes that were taught with it.
So was the class a wrong turn? No, just an unexpected path.
Many of our clients in the wake of the Great Recession have wanted a direct road map to their next destination. And, let’s be honest, I’d like that at times myself! But it’s not always healthy to know the outcome of a particular path before you go ahead. Why? There are life lessons that require patience and long-term commitment. And the danger is that you wouldn’t do what has to be done if you knew what was on the road ahead. And what if you were to find out that the end result would not match your expectations and desires — or that you wouldn’t achieve the type of success you intended at all?
These days most of us no longer want to hear about “The Secret.” We know that success is not just about intention alone. Because we don’t live — can’t afford to live — in isolation. And if you don’t have the heart for doing what it takes to succeed in a particular profession — given the time and place and society we live in — no amount of intending will healthfully get you there.
But the journey is worth taking. If you do set appropriate intentions and take on the tasks step by step by step by step, you’ll learn what can and cannot be done, make adjustments, maybe turn in another direction entirely that you would not have had access to without the previous choices. Whether the path leads to the success you intended becomes secondary to the ability to succeed at creating something that actually works.
Many years ago I wrote a book about the pagan origin, folklore and history of the Christmas Tree. I thought it would be a great success because so many millions of people put up a Christmas Tree each year, how could they not be interested? It turns out that enough people were interested to make THE SOLSTICE EVERGREEN a “bestseller” for the very tiny publishing company that published it. It also made me an “authority” who has been contacted for mini-interviews about the Tree almost every year since. But it was not a financial success by any stretch of the imagination for me.
Instead it led to something far more important—the dream job I most wanted at that time (and still the most interesting regular job I’ve ever had). Because I both wrote and designed the book, created the illustrations and cover art, it helped a local book publishing company take me seriously when I applied for a position as a graphic designer. I designed and created art and illustrations for dozens of books for them, was eventually promoted to Art Director, and went on to write and publish three more books of my own.
So the announcement I have to make today is that my website is newly redone and ready to show off! Hooray! And what is that going to wind up meaning for my life and all of you? Who knows! But now I can add a new product line or two that I’ve been thinking about (herb teas, for instance), see what will work, and where it will go.
Come visit my website: www.mamaloveproducts.com
Want Support on Your Creative Journey?
Book a spiritual counseling and healing session… http://www.healingcommunication.com—————————————————————
Where To Find Our Artwork
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
Where To Find Our Videos
Join Us On Facebook
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!—————————————————————
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
May 4, 2014
Mostly Mama Love News This Month!
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Across the street from where we live now. |
Mama Love News
To celebrate the month of mothers, Mama Love has new specials online in a place mothers and people buying for them love to shop — on Etsy!Every flower essence aromatherapy and unscented flower essence formula is available either as a 3-item gift set (choose whatever ones you want and save money)
Save even more by buying three at full price and getting one free!
This applies to:
• Dram-sized oil formulas (a cute gift in a see-through top gift box, great for trying them out!)
• 1 or 2 oz oil formulas (most economical for use as a massage, bath or body)
• Scented Sprays (so convenient, fun and effective!)
• Unscented Flower Essence Sprays (awesome! Scent-free!)
• Unscented Flower Essence Formulas for Pets
Find all specials in my Etsy shop here!
How to Use Flower Essence Aromatherapy for a Healing Project
A blog post you may have missed:Purpose and Passion in Flower Essence Aromatherapy
Want to take your Healing Project Further?
Book a spiritual counseling and healing session!—————————————————————
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. (Be sure to sign up for notifications under the menu where you"Like" the page!) Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
March 30, 2014
April Healing Communication / Mama Love News
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Sheryl doing a Mama Love photo shoot |
Hello Everybody,
Happy Spring! The time of new beginnings. Have you been enjoying the Spring rain in your neck of the woods? Think of it watering the tender barely viable roots of the plants lying dormant under the soil and suddenly the earth is green again. We’re enjoying the greening of the hills and fields across from our house already.
What’s ready to bloom and grow in your life?
For me, Mama Love is going through a period of renewal. So far most of it is behind the scenes: I’m redoing the website top to bottom, taking new product photos, and getting ready to launch new product lines. When? Don’t rush me! LOL, I thought it was going to be weeks ago. But you know the saying about God laughing while we make our plans? One decision led to taking a step that led to new decisions needing to be made before I could take even more steps and, oh! did I mention I was doing product photography? Guess what happens after you do that? Editing. And with 3 versions of 15 products in 2-3 sizes each… that’s a lot of editing!
Oh well. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself…and if you’re me, making a single decision (which I had put off for, literally, years already) avalanched into many many months of related work. Growing crazily in terms of underground development when every part of me wishes I could trumpet my new products and have them out already!
I don’t even know if I should tantalize you a bit… because…. did I mention that new products require packaging? And the packaging has to be created before even more new product photos can happen and be edited and added to a website—at least one page for each product? And that the label stock I ordered is out of stock and backordered? And…
Tea and perfume. For healing, relaxation and just for yummy good taste, smelling-good and fun.
Someday soon. “Soon” means…. …. wait for it…. …… wait for it…. ….
The day will come.
— Sheryl
As usual, if this rang any chimes about what’s going on your life and you wish you could have some spiritual guidance and related support, Paul and I are here for that!
Arrange for a session here.
Sheryl's Mama Love Products business is at http://www.mamaloveproducts.com
A recent blog post from Mama Love:
What does it mean when I say Mama Love is “spiritually-guided and Reiki-infused”?
In our joint Etsy shop
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
flower essences,
Mama Love,
spiritual counseling,
February 1, 2014
Year of the Horse - February 2014
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Spirit Horse, © 2013 Paul Hood |
It is the beginning of the Year of the Wood Horse. Awesome. Wild, free and powerful, the Horse Year is considered lucky in Chinese Astrology. It's a time when the desire to break free of vexing situations will either lead to an abundance of energy to make change —sometimes fast and often furious— or conflict if that urge to be free is challenged or pushed away. It is, however, a time to be quite deliberate and cautious. Too much impulsiveness can make this year a bit of a wild card. Be careful not to party too hard and go running off half-cocked in the wrong direction!
But what if you're ready to make a change, ready to try something new, but feel fearful about taking the leap? (Because leaping WILL be required in the Year of the Horse if you are deliberate about where you want to leap to!)
Well, a spiritual counseling session (or two) with one or both of us can help! We can help you gain clarity about choices you want to make, have a broader perspective on the issues involved, be aware of pitfalls you can work with and forces beyond your control to expect, and how to choose wisely. What’s in the highest benefit for all concerned? That’s what we’re known for.
Hope to talk with you soon!
Sheryl and Paul
Arrange for a session here.
Sheryl's Mama Love Products business
A recent blog post from Mama Love:
Using Flower Essences and Aromatherapy to Create an Energetic Shield
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
January 6, 2014
January 2014 Healing Communication / Mama Love News
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© Copyright 2014 Paul Hood |
Have you done a review of your last year as we enter 2014? I recently did and found it illuminating.
I found that there were several areas of my life where I had been operating on somewhat inaccurate assumptions. That’s easy to do, especially if you have beliefs and desires that you don’t want to let go of. But, just as in the world of business where you keep books and can make a physical real-world accounting of what went well and what wasn’t so good (just do the math), it’s helpful to take the time to do this in any aspect of our lives we’re wanting to focus on.
For Paul and me a lot of our end of the year reviewing has, however, centered on business. As 2013 was winding down I was vaguely aware that it seemed like my Mama Love Flower Essence Aromatherapy business had slightly improved. But when I did the math I was in for a big surprise—total sales had tripled! I wasn’t aware of this level of increase because it didn’t make an obvious impact on my day-to day life but this past month I realized I had enough surplus in my business account to think about what, if anything, I might want to do with it. At least a third of those sales came from a new set of products I added halfway though last year (scented and unscented flower essence sprays) so my New Year’s resolution in regards to my business was obvious and exciting. I can do some R&D into another set of products I’d like to add soon. (Sorry, I‘m not ready to announce that yet.) This is a big improvement over past New Year’s resolutions, by the way! Typically, I’d be looking at what went badly and how can I do better? (You know, get more exercise, eat more vegetables.) This is perhaps the very first time in my life where I thought: what went well that I’d like to do more?
So, there’s a New Year’s thought for all of us. What spiritual, emotional, or physical positives from this past year would you like to build on? Take to the next level? Enjoy even more?
May that lead to the most abundant year of blessings for us all.
Happy New Year from me, too!
Arrange for a New Year’s spiritual counseling session here.
Sheryl's Mama Love Products business is at http://www.mamaloveproducts.com
A recent blog post from Mama Love:
Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Combine for a Good Night’s Sleep
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
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