Hello Everybody,
A strange thing happened on the way to writing this newsletter. It was Paul's turn this time and he chose the topic of being faced by your nemesis, that thorniest of opponents against whom you just have to lay down your arms. He wrote copious notes but somehow the article would just not materialize. So he sent his notes to me (Sheryl) and, because I had been confronting a nemesis of my own recently, suggested maybe I could do something with it. No such luck. We both spent a fair bit of time, wrote lots and lots, and in the end came up with nothing. The perfect example of a nemesis in process!
On the other hand, it's not like we have nothing to announce. And if we wrote too much about the nemesis we wouldn't really be focusing on what we most want to impart. So lay down your arms, Paul and Sheryl! Tell us that something else!
Sheryl's Book, Changing the World One Relationship At A Time: Transformational Listening For Mutual Support & Empowerment, Is Back In Print!
Changing the World One Relationship at a Time was Sheryl's second book. It came out in 1998 through Crossing Press. New copies of the book haven't been available for some time but recently we heard that even used copies have become hard to come by. So today we're announcing that it is in print again both as a print-on-demand book for $16.49 or as an e-book download for $8.59 through our very own Healing Communication Press.
This is what people had to say about the book when it first came out:
Want to change your life? Get together with a trusted friend and spend an allotted amount of time each week focusing on truly listening to one another. “Changing the World” teaches readers the needed skills for connecting with others, starting on a personal level and advancing to the community and the world beyond. —Sandra I. Smith, Midwest Book Review
I highly recommend this book. Karas provides tools we need to improve the quality of our lives. Her examples, exercises, and meditations teach us how to listen constructively which leads to improved health, happiness, and a sense of well being. —Barbara Hoberman Levine, author of Your Body Believes Every Word You Say
And here's what the back cover has to say:
When the cost of counseling is higher than ever and insurance is less likely to cover it, when people are searching for community and healthy practices to sustain it, the need for simple easy-to-do peer counseling and relationship skills are more important than ever. The re-release of Changing the World One Relationship at a Time: Transformational Listening for Mutual Support & Empowerment could not have come at a better time. Spiritual counselor Sheryl Karas M.A. has written a clear concise and highly readable book to help couples, families, friends and communities help each other through troubled times.
- Basic attentive listening skills
- Approaches for effectively working with emotional issues
- How to stay centered around other people’s emotions
- How to work with personal and societal projections
- Techniques for working with racism, sexism and other societal oppressions
- How to create your own support groups
- Exercises, guided meditations and more
Buy the book now by clicking here.
Interested In Getting Transformational One-Way Support?
Give our recession-sensitive sliding scale a try.
For some time now we've been getting the message that it's time to lay down our arms about what to charge once again. (Long time clients know this has been a long time issue.) We're going back to our roots: pay whatever you can afford on our sliding scale of $50-250, regardless of income. We know the recession has hit a lot of people hard. Maybe your income hasn't changed but your savings or retirement account is long gone. Maybe you're needing to tighten your belt and make choices you never thought you'd have to face. Most sliding scales are based on current income. Ours is not!
Before deciding what to pay search your heart. Choose the fee you think you should pay and feel inside. Are you anxious? "I can't afford this! What if I want another one? I certainly can't afford more than one session at this price!" NO PROBLEM. Choose a lower number. On the other hand, do you feel guilty? "They're really good, I can afford more than this." Add a bit more. Or maybe you're in both places at once? "I think I should pay more but I really can't right now." You don't have to! Send us a tip or donation later if you feel so inspired. If you can't be bothered with an exercise like this—you just want to know what to pay and be done with it—our flat fee remains the same. $150/hour for the two of us to share, $75 for an additional 30 minutes.
SPECIAL NOTE TO NEW PEOPLE: We ask for payment in advance but you've never had a session with us before! We know that puts you in an especially challenging position. How do you know what a session with us is really worth? Pay at the bottom. If you think we're awesome, get online after the session is over and send us a tip.
More Books By Sheryl Karas
For five years, ending in 2005, I worked as a Family Caregiving Consultant at the Alzheimer's Association and Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center helping families taking care of loved ones with incurable progressive memory loss and dementia. Trying to find services needed to provide basic care is what brought people in to see me first, but as the caregivers became more ensconced in their caregiving roles inevitably emotional and spiritual issues would become their primary concerns. My role shifted to providing a combination of practical and spiritual care. During this period I wrote a caregiver newsletter every month and this book is the result.
The evergreen has been a potent pagan symbol in almost every culture, from prehistoric Japan to Northern Africa, from Native America to Medieval Germany. The Solstice Evergreen explores the rich spiritual heritage of this ancient symbol in depth and includes a great many myths, legends,and folk tales from across the globe as well as dozens of black and white illustrations. Gathered together in this book for the first time, this rich collection of mythology presents a unique perspective spanning many cultures and centuries.
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Art and Photography by Sheryl Karas... http://SherylKaras.imagekind.com/
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl?rf=238549309058651585
Brand New Shop (Pendants featuring our art and photography, handmade evening bags, more items to come)... http://www.etsy.com/shop/paulnsherylart
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