May 2, 2020

May 2020 Newsletter for Mama Love

Hello Everybody!
This month's news
What's new?
I have lots of new customers this month. If that describes you, welcome!

Etsy made some changes recently and I've been sitting tight watching how it would affect me and Mama Love. The GOOD news is more customers and more business! The not so good news is that it comes with a significant increase in fees to help pay for Etsy's advertising. So for the first time in awhile I've had to raise my prices a little: $0.25 for each item under $10, $0.50 for items over $10. Hopefully, that will work for me and not be a hardship for you. I just wanted you to know what it was for. I do appreciate your business and don't raise my prices lightly!
Blog Posts
I've been a writing fool this month! Lots of pandemic-inspired thinking and how flower essences can help based on trends in my shop:
The Most Popular Flower Essence in My Shop During This Pandemic
I always pay attention when there is a trend in my shop that I did not expect. It says something about the general state of mind of my customers which is often fascinating and often instructive to me. And what's been happening during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is no exception.
Vulnerability to Negativity and How Flower Essences Can Help
We’re quite inundated with news about the virus and—given the nature of what drives the news cycle—a lot of what we have seen is disturbing, to say the least. And that goes double for what’s on social media. Read more . . .
Emotional Healing Using Flower Essences to Support Your Heart and Lungs
In both TCM and the energy healing modalities I use, lack of health in the Lungs and Lung Meridian is associated with grief, sadness and despair. Read more . . .
Trusting Inner Guidance During a Pandemic
Earlier this month I wrote about how noticing trends in my shop has been very instructive to me in terms of the mood and mindset of my customers. And, boy, have I been seeing some shifting trends! Read more . . .

Newsletter Subscribers get a 10% discount in my shop. Please sign up at the top right. Thanks!

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