February 29, 2020

March 2020 Newsletter

Hello Everybody!
This month's news
A Month Devoted to Information Sharing
I was a writing fool this past month! I was fretting that I wasn't getting around to sharing much about flower essences or spiritual growth, or anything. Next thing I know I barely stopped. I was mostly inspired by the news or the emotional tenor of my Facebook newsfeed (how many people are angry now or freaking out about the coronavirus or?). So that's what I wrote about -- hope you find it helpful!
New Blog Posts
woman blowing her nose
Coronavirus and Immune System Support
Worried about the coronavirus? You’re not alone! Because it is spreading much faster than most and has a long incubation period that means people could be spreading the virus long before they know they are sick. That's got the world’s medical community in a bit of a panic because with so many people affected, a lot are going to die (even if your average healthy person is unlikely to be one of them). How can you improve your ability to stay healthy?
Anger and the Flower Essences that Address It
In the Bach flower system of healing as well as in many forms of conventional psychotherapy, anger is thought of as a "secondary emotion." This could be debated, but the thinking is that anger is typically used to cover up or respond to a state that is more difficult to face, like fear, shame, or grief. Therefore, choosing a flower essence to address anger can be challenging. There isn't just one specifically for that unless you also can identify the emotions that trigger it. So let's take a look at thatRead more . . .
Mountain Pride Flower Essence for Strength of Action in Alignment with Spiritual Purpose
After writing my article about anger yesterday, I kept thinking about its helpfulness in inspiring people to stand up to injustice and speak out or take some other action. And yet I know without a doubt that a large number of people reject the notion of anger as having any validity at all. (I know I'm not a fan!) And beyond that, there are many spiritual traditions that encourage people to let go of anger and seek peace. A lot of us prefer that path. So what do you do with your spiritual self if you need to be forceful and not be torn off your path? Read more . . .
I think three blog posts are enough for one newsletter, don't you think? No? Just check out my blog to find more. Thanks for reading!

Newsletter subscribers get a coupon code they can use in my Etsy shop for 10% off their entire order. Sign up at the top right.

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