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© 2013 Paul Hood |
Hello All,
Sheryl does the newsletter this month. Her focus is on healing for the season of the dark.
On my Flower and Spirit blog I’ve started a feature I call the Flower of the Day. Although I haven’t been doing it every day my idea is to ask for guidance through using a combination of dowsing and flower essences and share the insights I glean in the blog. I’ve been doing this kind of work for 10 or 11 years but for my own eyes only. It has led to breakthrough insights for me and has served as a spiritual education I never would have dreamed possible. This weekend I asked for the flower most suitable for dealing with the turning of the light, the season we've just entered of shortening days and longer darker nights. For some people this leads to longer-lasting darker thoughts. Scorpio energy. Which can also be transformative energy when used wisely.
Dark thoughts can lead to light. Only, however, through intention. Someone wrote me last night, "I feel lost." I have felt the same way at times. So do we all. And if we feel lost way too long we can give up in despair. Things go wrong. Earthquakes occur, businesses fail, people make mistakes. Recessions can create huge setbacks; wars even worse. Let's not talk about climate change, global catastrophes and the seemingly endless Walking Dead zombie apocalypse -- then I'll really get overwhelmed! But sometimes you need to descend into the dark in order to get to a new place, to recover, let go of the reins, regroup. Like Persephone who was abducted by Hades and dragged into the underworld, sometimes we have no choice but to descend into the depths. But there's a promise in that metaphor. Like seeds that are buried in the ground, held in the dark while waiting for the warmth and rain of Spring, a time of waiting, of developing, of rest and rebirth is a necessary part of the cycle of life. In the mythology Persephone was always returned to the surface so that life as we know it would not permanently fade away. And so it is with us. Terrible events can "abduct" us and take us away. But the light returns and we can return again and again.
The Flower of the Day then is Saint John's Wort. As an herb it is used for many types of depression. In the Flower Essence world we look at it the same way but from a more spiritually-rooted perspective. It’s seen as a tool for coming back into the light.
When you feel depressed you feel deeply pressed -- hopeless, bound up, almost immobilized. "My life is a mess!" we say. "I'll never get out of this place. Nothing appeals to me. When I do think of something I assume it can't be done, at least here, now, in 'enough time', by someone 'like me', someone in my particular predicament, in my age group, [put some limiting belief here]." Some of it's true. In today's world we can't all be professional basketball players, for instance. With today's cultural conventions, if you're a certain age or never grew taller than 4'10" that ship hasn't sailed, it never even came into your harbor. So, yeah, sometimes we have to respect certain limitations if we can't or don't want to challenge the status quo BUT we can practice basketball at the gym with our friends or play some other sport, find other things we like to do.
We need to be grounded and work with the physical reality of our lives to find the places we can flourish. We also need light in the sense of being awakened to the possibilities that exist, to be able to see the paths available to us. "Light our way when the darkness surrounds us, give us love, let it shine all around us." Karen Carpenter's voice singing comes into my consciousness although her song "Bless the Beasts and the Children" (see the video) was written in the third person ("Light their way", etc.) That's what Saint John's Wort flower essence is for. It helps brings forward a feeling of being protected by the light within. We need light in our hearts in order to thrive/survive.
I can make a custom flower essence spray or dropper bottle for you that includes Saint John's Wort.
I also have other products that can help a person with troubled thoughts: Renewed Faith & Optimism, Support for Troubled Times, Restful Sleep, to name just a few.
And, by the way, there is this spiritual counseling thing Paul and I do that can also help. We don't deal with clinical depression as we're not licensed clinical counselors but sometimes guidance from a spiritual perspective can make all the difference.
That's easy! Write to us and suggest a couple of times that might work for you. We can meet in-person in Chico, CA or via Skype video or telephone anywhere in the world. We're available these days Friday, Saturdays and Sundays in the afternoons and evenings (Pacific Standard Time) and many evenings throughout the week. We typically schedule sessions at least 48 hours ahead. After you set up a session, pay us to confirm it, provide us with a phone number or Skype address and we'll call you at the appointed time. Information about our fees and a link for paying for sessions is here.
Sheryl's Mama Love Products business
In our joint Etsy shop
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images
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