November 14, 2022

Sale on My New Gifts Box Sets


News from Mama Love
News That Can't Wait!
Do you have someone in your life going through a hard time and can't imagine what might make a great gift for Christmas or any time? I have brand new gift sets / support boxes in my shop for "Challenging Times" and "Heart Healing." And because I get a lot of requests for products related to this, you'll also find one for healers and other sensitive people and one for those wanting to develop their intuition or psychic gifts more safely.

To celebrate I'm also having my first ever Etsy sale– 25% off just on those sets. The sale runs today through Dec. 5th. (I'm sorry but Etsy won't let people double up a coupon code but your coupon code for signing up for my newsletter should still work on other regularly discounted items.)
New Support Box Sets
Challenging Times Support Set
For finding your way In traumatic times, when deeply worried, in pain or despair. Learn more.
Healing Heart Support Set
Flower essence and aromatherapy support for soothing grief, sadness, and heavyheartedness. Learn more.
Intuition Support Set
Flower Essences, aromatherapy, and tips for grounded psychic developmentLearn more.
Healer Support Set
Flower Essences, aromatherapy, and self-care tips for counselors, healers and other sensitive people.
Newsletter subscribers get a coupon code for 10% off their entire order including regularly discounted items (except for Etsy Sale items). 

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