August 2, 2020

August 2020 Mama Love News

Hello Everybody!
New Flower Essence in My Shop and Some Old Favorites
This past month I found myself longing to be somewhere else. Based on my Facebook feed, I'm sure some of you can relate! So I wondered if there might be a flower essence for that and was led to Prickly Pear! (An essence I had never tried that was on my shelf but not in my shop.) So I did an experiment and I think it might just be perfect for those trying to figure out how to adapt to uncertain and changing times.

This month I also took a look at some old favorites I want to introduce to new people on my list. Did you know Mama Love started with just 12 products that combined flower essences and essential oils in a light "perfume-like" oil? Weird, huh? Most of my products these days are unscented! But I still love those older ones and still make them so I'm sharing a bit about those and also about a single flower essence I wish I could get people to use—I'd spray it on whole communities right now if I could! (But I won't—I'll just tell you what it's about instead.)
Prickly Pear Flower Essence for Being in the Present Moment More Adaptably
Have you ever felt homesick for a place you've never been? The Germans have a word for that: Fernweh. It means “farsickness”—dreaming for something or someplace that is too far to get back to or has never actually existed for you (outside of a storybook or movie). The Welsh have a similar concept, called Hiraeth, that extends the idea to longing or nostalgia, even incompleteness to the point of obsession. This, again, could be for a place you've never been but it could also be about loss that makes it hard to connect with where you currently are as "home."
Flower Essences and Essential Oils Combined Makes Healing Fun

Fifteen years ago when I first started Mama Love I never dreamed that the bulk of my business would be unscented flower essence dropper bottles and sprays. The hardest challenge I faced in those days was helping people understand what flower essences were at all! On the other hand, essential oils had definitely entered the mainstream, and after a fair bit of experimentation I started my business with a line of 12 scented oils combined with flower essences which still account for most of the wholesale sales I make to retail stores. Read more . . .
Is the Time Right For Tiger Lily Flower Essence?
A friend on Facebook just posted photos of Tiger Lilies in full bloom. It's Tiger Lily time on the central coast of California! Does that mean it might be time to use Tiger Lily Flower Essence as well? I hope so. Read more . . .
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