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Tree Branches in Winter © 2016 Sheryl Karas |
Happy New Year!
As you may or may not have noticed, Mama Love doesn’t put out as many newsletters as it used to and, as a healing team, the two of us almost never do anymore. It’s not that we don’t care— we do—but the primary focus of our lives is elsewhere and that’s as it should be.
But once in awhile, something calls out to be commented on. And this is one of those newsletters.
I have noticed that my “Support for Troubled Times” formula has been flying off the shelf in the last couple of months. It sells well but this level of sales is NOT normal. It was selling so fast and furious a few weeks ago it was actually starting to make me cry. I’m glad, of course, to be of service—that was the intent of putting this product out on the market in the first place. But I know a secret about this particular formula and that’s what’s been on my mind.
When I first made Troubled Times more than 12 years ago, I chose to use two FES flower essences that were still in the research stage —Green Cross Gentian and Splendid Mariposa Lily—because I believed so intensely that it was important to do. I wanted them for myself. I was going through one of those rock-your-world kind of changes and my inner self just said to use them now! I was guided to combine them with a few other essences and wonderful-smelling essential oils, and the formula worked instantly, repeatedly and so well that it became the entire reason for my Mama Love business at all. I wanted to make THAT formula available to the world and so it is.
But it has never been the most popular formula. Until now. And that’s what got my attention because when I was first introduced to those two essences at an FES flower essence practitioner’s training we were told that the world might NEED those essences because of coming earth changes and worldwide crisis.
At the time I said, “No! I don’t want to hear that. I don’t believe that. I WILL NOT believe in that. La la la, I’m not listening and that’s the end of that.” But it wasn’t, because underneath it all I always have known that that’s what the company who made those essences available to me thought they might be good for.
Rock our world changes.
Apparently, a lot of people feel like that’s what they’re going through today. I certainly feel like 2015 presented one horrific story after another and I’d be lying if I claimed not to be affected by it all.
But Paul told me yesterday that he feels like 2016 could be a great year. I know I feel that way as well. But that doesn’t mean I think the world is going to stop rocking, more like positive things could come because people are waking up now. First you feel horrified, then you look for where your friends and allies are, you intend to make great changes together, and then support each other to step up to the task. I think we’re at the verge of standing up.
By the way, what is Green-Cross Gentian, Splendid Mariposa Lily and the other ingredients in Mama Love Support for Troubled Times about?
I use Splendid Mariposa Lily when the need for comfort is so great it feels like it needs to come from the Great Mother herself—divorce, death of a loved one, trauma of all sorts. (Troubled Times formula makes me feel like a baby held securely in my loving mother’s arms — that’s where the name Mama Love comes from!) But FES says it is also about healing “soul pain due to world trauma and warfare; divisions in the human family due to race, religion, nation, class, ecological disaster or warfare.”
Green-Cross Gentian is in my formula for the ability to persist when things feel so hard you don't know if you can manage it. It helps a person tap into courage, hope and resolve despite setbacks and challenges. FES says it is also for the “ability to carry the elemental ‘cross’ of the world,” for dealing with “feelings of overwhelm, despair and defeat with regard to the condition of the earth” because of “natural or man-made catastrophe.”
Star of Bethlehem is for getting up on your feet after shock or trauma. This is one of the original Bach formulas that Dr. Edward Bach used to bring a person out of a coma. He described one of its benefits as the ability “to remain in such a state of peace that the trials and disturbances of the world leave us unruffled.”
Self-Heal is for supporting a deep sense of wholeness from the inside out.
Essential oils (Rose, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, Angelica and Rosewood) are for feeling loved, safe, grounded and protected, to ease sadness and pain, to encourage relaxation, and ease a worried mind.
Mama Love
I’m in the process of switching over to Etsy as my main venue for selling Mama Love online because I can offer discount coupons and experiment with products more easily there. You can still buy things on my old website, of course, but soon the links to buy products will go directly to my Etsy shop.
You can find Mama Love Support for Troubled Times as an oil — great for baths, massage or as a skin oil after a shower — and as a scented spray or unscented spray. There is also a triple strength option for those who want a much stronger scent, suitable for use as a perfume.
Important note: I’ll be out of town from January 7 - 14. Please order anything by January 5 or try again after the 14th. I’m going to put my shop in “Vacation Mode” on the 6th.
Spiritual Counseling and Healing with Paul and Sheryl
It currently costs the same to work with one or both of us ($100/hour). Time to set up a session?
Sheryl has a New Art Website!
Check out her latest work on Fine Art America and pixels.com…. http://sheryl-karas.pixels.com/
Where Else to Find Our Artwork
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
Where to Find Our Videos
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