WE HAVE A NEW BOOK! It's called WAKING UP IN THE GREAT RECESSION MORMON DESERT and we'd like you all to have one. This has been a long time in the making but we think it's worth it and the great people who reviewed an advance copy of it seem to agree. For example, David Spangler who was the previous director of Findhorn and has sometimes been called the father of the New Age movement had this to say:
This book is a winner. It has everything a good book should have: suspense, excitement, pathos, joy, laughter—-lots of laughter—and great characters you care about and can genuinely root for! And it's non-fiction! But what it has most is love and wisdom. Profound, heart-opening love and wisdom. It is hands down one of the best books on spirituality and its role in meeting the challenges of our time that I have read. And did I say that it's funny, too? Be good to yourself and read this book. Be good to your friends and buy them a copy. ~ David Spangler, author of FACING THE FUTURE and SUBTLE WORLDS: AN EXPLORER'S FIELD NOTES.
We're the "great characters", by the way. The book is a memoir and it follows our path from our original home in the beautiful New Age, ultra-progressive town of Santa Cruz, CA to a predominantly ultra-conservative Republican Mormon community in the eastern Arizona high desert. The timing is immediately after the election of Barack Obama and the passage of Proposition 8 (the law repealing gay marriage in California). The result is at turns poignant and funny and eventually leads to a spiritual wake-up call that shows the importance of connecting the political and the personal in our task of developing spiritually on the planet.
Read more about it and get your copy here.
It's available as an inexpensive instant pdf download or as an autographed physical book, both directly from us. It is also available on the Kindle and soon other places as well. The only places you won't find it (yet) are in bookstores because we can't afford a big print run and can't get the wholesale price low enough. So, hey, now you know that all the profit from the sales of these books goes directly to us.
And that leads us to another thing we wanted to say...
It Takes a Village to Get the Word Out About a Self-Published Book
And we could use your help. Maybe you're not interested in this book but certainly there are a few people on your list, in your book clubs, or in your communities who would be. Tell them, would you? Forward this newsletter or give them this link: http://www.healingcommunication.com/myproducts/Waking_Up_In_The_Great_Recession_Mormon_Desert,_Book_by_Sheryl_Karas_with_Paul_Hood.html
Who Would Be Most Interested?
- Memoir lovers, and lovers of true-life adventures.
- People curious about us.
- People who love storytelling mixed with humor and philosophy.
- Self-employed people.
- Artists and writers.
- Alternative health practitioners.
- Gays and lesbians, their allies, people who support gay rights.
- Santa Cruz folks, Californians, people from Arizona.
- People making community online, marketing their goods and services online, or those attempting it.
- People who care about community, love, peace, and social justice.
- People concerned about the horribly polarized political scene, and what might shift things.
- People living through their own Great Recession sagas.
- Spiritual but not religious folks, New Age thinkers, meditators, Hindus, Pagans, Buddhists, progressive Christians, Jews, Mormons and anyone who cares about freedom of religion (or freedom not to have one).
- People who still care about life purpose and wanting to contribute to the highest good of all concerned.
Sessions with Sheryl and Paul
We're continuing to offer our services separately as well as a team and continue to offer people (old clients or new ones) an opportunity to have a session with one or both of us at the bottom of our sliding scale regardless of income. Money is tight for a lot of people and we always have wanted to make our services as accessible as possible (while making a living, too). We're also offering short email consults which are especially useful for inexpensively trying our work out without committing to a longer session right away. Click here to make an appointment with one or both of us now.
Our Joint Etsy Shop...
is filling up with great photos and artwork from our new book. Check them out at http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
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We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
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