River Corner by Paul Hood
Hi Everybody,
It's been a long time, we know. We're still in great transition, currently in Massachusetts in a strange little place called Turners Falls. Our internet connections are sporadic -- I'm writing this from a laundromat with wifi -- and that makes us extremely focused on what we need to be doing now and not on the things we've done before. Hence, the utter lack of email communication! People who have joined us on Facebook will have read what we want to share in this email but after I wrote this last night we both felt it was time to open the lines of communication back up and draw you all in, too.
We came to Massachusetts in the strangest of ways. We got guidance to come here for "long term success". We, at this point, believe we needed to be given a few lessons. Not the fun kind...we hear there's some kind of intense Pluto transition (transformation and rebirth after examining hard issues from our pasts). But we're here now and making use of it. If we wind up here so be it. If we don't... please understand it was a step of benefit on the way for all concerned. We've already been given opportunities to help other people here locally in-person through what we've learned.
Sharing that succinctly in written form, so far, isn't so clear. Key thoughts: the importance of putting your physical needs first in order to preserve the ability to do what you're here to do. Too many healers and people called to spiritual service (ourselves included) put the greater mission -- one's life purpose -- first. So be it... and yet what we do on the material level is equally important. The intersection of heaven and earth, bringing the Godhead down, the material aspect of the spiritual depends on a solid connection with ALL that is. Physical existence, not just transcendence, is essential given that we are meant to BE HERE NOW.
Yeah, we can talk the spiritual rhetoric. But who says you can't transcend your existence as a used car salesman? Who says you can't light up someone's life with a smile and kind word while working at McDonald's? We're struggling with this right now. Jobs that reflect that kind of experience we believed we were here to find have not been easy to find. So we're examining a lot of past beliefs we've carried while trying to do what needs to be done.
Some sharing from what we've posted on Facebook:
Standing at a crossroad metaphysically, standing at a crossroads on the street, I saw a sign for local public access TV and said "Paul, let's go over there!" We met a couple of guys hanging out in front of the building. One was a black wheelchair bound man who identified himself as a Cherokee chief who said something we needed to hear at that moment about using conventional means to gain entrance and the ultimate freedom to do what we're here for. He handed us a baggie of Herkimer diamonds which he called a blessing and "seeds of light". He asked us to "plant them", to plant the seeds of light wherever we go.
True story. It happened here in Turner's Falls this week.
Turners Falls is a strange place, a place in extreme transition .... just like Paul and me (which is probably why we wound up here at this point in time). In 1676 Captain William Turner and his men massacred 300 Indians who were camped there, presumably this was near a sacred place. Was Turners Falls cursed after that?
People here think so. The grand plans intended for this spot by white people -- as evidenced by the very beautiful churches and now historic buildings-- never came to pass. Others were tried and failed. There are abandoned mills, boarded up buildings. Turners Falls was once called the "Bucket of Blood" because of the level of violent crime and alcoholism here.
About five years ago local community members, spurred by a movement to revitalize the historic district, asked the Cherokee chief we met to help facilitate a Reconciliation Healing which many of the town people attended. Since then (and actually slightly before when the idea was still being conceived) everyone says the town has started to come back to life. Town people ALL agree "Turners is coming up." It's not hard to see that the dour character of the place has glimmers of light breaking through. There's now a beautiful art gallery of photography with world class exhibits, a restored opera house with lots of wonderful community theater, new community centers of all sorts, a move to revitalize the area through arts, culture and community intervention. You can see the revitalization starting to happen. The rebirth is in full swing but its also clearly still ramping up.
Spirituality and intent in action but you need to focus on that in order to stay involved with the magic. The rest of what you might see could bring you down!
I guess that's what I wanted to share with you (and for me) during this time of extremely challenging transition so many of us are going through. Focus on those glimmers of light, water them, reconcile with what's been broken, allow the healing to take hold.
-- Sheryl Karas M.A.
Spiritual Counseling and Healing Sessions
PLEASE bear with us during this time. If you don't live near Turners Falls we might need to talk with you via skype in a cafe or someplace else. We will probably need time to set something appropriate up in advance (so no last minute "can you help me right now!" types of calls). But we are open to what's possible...feel free to give us a call.
Mama Love Flower Essence Aromatherapy
I have perfume with me now so I can and will fill orders at least for a couple of more weeks from this location. Check out my website at http://www.mamaloveproducts.com to make a purchase for yourself or for the holidays for someone you love!
Or contact the retail stores that carry my flower essence aromatherapy products instead:
We Have Books and Art Available Online
Healing Communication Press: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=1759553
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl?rf=238549309058651585
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
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