Hello Everyone,
Having a good summer? We are. Recession, hard times? All that's means is "think outside the box, try something different, and recommit to your highest intentions with all your heart." It's working for us! Could it work for you, too?
All our writing is in our blogs this time.
"Fighting the Labyrinth" and its companion piece "Working the Labyrinth" were written by Sheryl about her struggle with working too hard and gaining insights into the true nature of faith. You can find them at http://healingcommunication.blogspot.com/ .
Paul has posted lots of wonderful photographs and a short story about the existential experience of Kentucky Fried Chicken at http://paulhood.blogspot.com/ .
Did you know we're being our own publishing company? Sheryl's book, The Spiritual Journey of Family Caregiving, was done by us. Look for a review of it in the Santa Cruz Sentinel next Sunday (probably). It's also being featured in Quest, the national magazine for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, this month. It's getting some favorable press.
We have 5 new publications -- lightly lined fine art journals featuring our flower photography on the covers. We're big journal writers. We both would have stacks of them if we hadn't done a burning ceremony on the beach a couple of years ago. Sheryl really is partial to beautifully designed ones and she can rarely find ones she really likes so she designed her own. They're 81/2" square, perfect bound paperbacks, meant to look like a book you'd keep on your coffeetable. Check them out at Healing Communication Press at http://stores.lulu.com/healingcommunicationpress .
One of the lessons of this summer is never give up, just find another way. Sheryl gave up on a couple of her perfumes earlier in the summer and suddenly found them coming back to life.
So, by popular demand, Sheryl has brought back Mama Love for PMS, Postpartum and Menopause Support (previously called "Women's Changes"). It's at http://www.healingcommunication.com/mamaloveproducts/PMS,_Postpartum_and_Menopause_Support.html .
Mama Love for Peace and Goodwill is coming back for Christmas. And Mama Love for Renewed Faith and Optimism is back as well. See http://www.mamaloveproducts.com and visit the "products" page to see them all.
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this email with a note saying you like us. It's easy!
Interested in a session? Send us an email or give us a call at (831) 325-4076.
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