April 30, 2008

May 2008 Newsletter

Wild Iris photo by Sheryl Karas

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to the May edition of the joint newsletter for Healing Communication and Mama Love from Paul and Sheryl. The theme this month is "breakthrough" and the wild Iris, which just came into bloom in Santa Cruz this month, is a perfect symbol.

In ancient Greek mythology Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods. In flower essence therapy the wild Iris is used to release emotional blocks to creativity, to unite one with their higher path in life, to spark inspiration, and bring passion into one's life's work. It is also thought to be the origin of the fleur-de-lis, emblem of the French monarchy. Since Hurricane Katrina the fleur-de-lis is being used in New Orleans as a unifying and (according to Wikipedia) "somewhat defiant" symbol of the fight for that city's rebirth and inspiration of home. I put it into my "Abundant Prosperity" formula as a boost to one's creative process.

Speaking of Mama Love perfume, creative inspiration, breakthroughs and abundant prosperity . . . check out Mama Love's new website . I dropped the little girl colors of pastel blue, lavender and pink and gave it a bold new look which I'm using to inspire me to bring Mama Love out to the world at large. My goal is to triple the number of stores Mama Love is sold in nationwide. If there's a store near you that you think Mama Love would be perfect for send me an email or give me a call. Better yet, consider carrying Mama Love in your store, spa, health or healing practice. New smaller displays to fit your budget and Mama Love's naturally-long shelf life (essential oils and jojoba don't go rancid) make it a good investment for any natural products or holistic healing business, large or small.

Bye for now.

Sheryl (and Paul)



by Sheryl Karas

The word comes from “break” and “through,” to get through what previously was seen as an insurmountable barrier. A wall in your psyche or belief system? Your childhood upbringing? The norms and expectations you inherited from your culture? What gets in your way?

Sometimes it’s wanting to have the same things we have always wanted in the same way we’ve always wanted to have them. Banging our heads against the wall of the locked door, hoping against hope to get better results.

“If only I could bang harder without breaking my head” we think. “Maybe if I do head push-ups I could make my head harder. Maybe I’m not smart enough or my family didn’t make me tough enough. I need to buck up and make it hurt. I mean, after all, if you want something bad enough . . .”

On it goes. Until the day we wake up and discover our head hurts way too much, the pain of the effort never adds up to the results we need, and that wall is just too damn long to go around. We can’t see the end of it. It’s time to stop. Put down the effort. “Let go, let God.”

“It isn’t our job,” we say, “anymore. It’s done. It’s over. In French, finis.”

"But it isn’t." God smiles. "It’s in my hands now. Let me show you what really can be done."


Mama Love is discontinuing a couple of perfumes this year and also has perfume left over from Christmas that are still good for use all year round. The specials I'm offering to clear them out are available only through my website. Check them out at http://www.healingcommunication.com/mamaloveproducts/specials.html


Visit her author's website at http://www.sherylkaras.com .

Set up an appointment! Send us an e-mail or give us a call at (831) 325-4076.

Sheryl photographing the Iris by Paul Hood

Paul at the UCSC Arboretum by Sheryl Karas

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