Hello Everybody,
Doesn't it feel great when Spring has arrived? Those of you on the East Cost and up north getting this email probably haven't seen signs of Spring yet but our Santa Rosa plum tree burst into bloom this week and, wow, did that brighten up our day! We have a couple of special announcements to make in regards to our spiritual counseling and healing practice this month so be sure to look for them further down.
Sheryl and Paul
by Sheryl Karas
I have shamrocks on my mind lately. Paul and I went on a photo shoot at the UCSC Farm & Garden project in Santa Cruz the other day and we saw some beautiful examples. Have you ever seen the variety of clover in the picture above? Isn't that prominent triangle spread across the leaves amazing? It made me wonder more about the symbolic significance of triangles and three leaves and whether it had anything to do with the shamrock's association with good luck and prosperity.
It does! Here's the scoop:
The number three is Ireland's most sacred and magical of numbers. The shamrock associated with Saint Patrick's Day is supposed to represent the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost but the mystical significance of the shamrock and the number three go much further back than that.
According to several sources I found on the Internet the triad or trinity represented the unity of body, mind and spirit. In Ireland it also represented many other things: Crone, Mother and Virgin; Love, Valour and Wit; Faith, Hope and Charity; Past, Present, Future; and Earth, Sky and Underworld. It also likely that it is associated with the ancient Celtic triple Mother Goddess Éire, Banba and Fotla. And other trifold goddesses associated with the harvest, fertility and prosperity.
Clover has been used since ancient times for its medicinal qualities. Red Clover is used for a wide variety of women's reproductive complaints and may protect against heart disease and have some benefit against cancer. In Flower Essence Therapy it is used for helping a person maintain self-awareness and calm. (I use it in my Mama Love for Doing New Things with Confidence perfume). In particular it is useful in situations where people are infecting each other with fear (mass hysteria and other forms of group panic which can arise during natural disasters, war, or economic crisis).
The mass media is doing a great job of whipping up such a frenzy right now spreading worry and fear about a "probable" recession. It's ONLY probable if people believe it is and become afraid to do business as usual. Yeah, gas prices have gone up (to less than half what Europeans have paid for many years now) and yeah, choices were made in funding bank loans for people with insufficient income to pay for the high-priced houses they wanted it for. The housing market became seriously inflated in recent years. That's being corrected. But, there's no reason to panic! For every person losing their "shirt" now (they're not, just their illusions) many, MANY more people made a killing in the housing market not long ago and are enjoying more prosperity than ever in their lives. Where's the media attention on that?
The American economy has been propped up by optimism since the end of the gold standard in the early 70s. What's a "recession"? When something happens to shake that faith. People get conservative with their spending, merchants and others who depend on that spending feel the effect of that and pull back themselves, and the whole economy slows down. It's a mass created domino effect. And yet, let me emphasize again, MOST people are doing better now financially, not worse. The economy is growing at a slower rate. Many people think that's reason to fret. The smart ones are just waiting for the best time to jump in and invest.
Paul was telling me last night that at least three points are needed to create a stable base -- hence the three legged stool and variations on that. Ancient texts say God is One. From one came two --duality, Yin and Yang, man and woman, night and day. From two comes three - the man, woman and child. And from three comes all the manifestations of the physical world.
March is the third month in the Christian calendar. Keep the shamrock and the number three in your heart this month and believe in the power to manifest what you want. Can't we all use a feeling of faith, hope and prosperity?
We've had many people come to us for ongoing work and a few who would really like to be able to do sessions weekly, every other week, or monthly at the very least. We've discovered that the progress people make when they commit to their growth over time is inspiring. So to make this more accessible we're offering a special discount. One additional session for free if you pay for a block of three in advance. (Sliding scale for four 1-hr sessions comes to $300 - $600 prepaid.)
We SO appreciate the referrals we receive! And not just because it means more business. People who come to us because we were recommended to them are so great. They know what to expect, they're less afraid, and they're more ready to take advantage of what we can offer. We've been wanting to offer a gift of our appreciation for some time now. How does $25 off your next session sound?
This gift applies to anyone who has sent us a new client in the last year AND anyone who does so in the foreseeable future. You can use this discounted session for yourself or give it to a friend. If that friend is another brand new client for us, you'll get another session for $25 off. Your friend gets a discount. You get a discount. Everyone wins!
Important note: Referrals do not need to be local to Santa Cruz! We've been doing sessions via telephone nationwide for some time now and it works really well.
We can now take credit cards using Paypal through our website over the Internet. (You do not have to have a Paypal account to participate.) Visit our "fees" page at http://www.healingcommunication.com/fees.html .
You can also make donations. We were recently contacted by an old client who was so thankful for what she received from us that she wanted to give us a gift. There's a button at the bottom of our homepage (http://www.healingcommunication.com) that says "Donations Can be Made by Clicking Here." You can pay whatever you like using a credit card OR by debiting your bank account.
Sheryl's new book THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF FAMILY CAREGIVING is full of useful information for anyone even thinking about being in that situation. You can read excerpts at her Spiritual Caregiving blog at http://spiritualcaregiving.blogspot.com/ . Links to buy it online are right there. You can also buy autographed copies directly from Sheryl for $21.95.
A year ago one of my perfumes, Trusting Inner Guidance, was doing so poorly I considered dropping it from my line. My inner guidance said: "Wait! Don't change anything about it." Today it's one of my best sellers. Why? The economy? Politics? The people who did try it liked it? I really don't know.
I bought a couple of cases of really cute, super soft 15" Teddy Bears to couple with my Mama Love perfume for gift baskets. Troubled Times and a bear for someone in the hospital, Abundant Prosperity or Manifesting Life Purpose with a bear for graduation day, that kind of thing. But I've now made the decision to concentrate on wholesaling my perfume and I'd like to sell the bears off. They're infused with Reiki and decorated with a red satin bow.
$5 per bear
$45 for 10 bears
$80 for 20 bears
Shipping is extra.... or pick them up at my house and I'll give you a box.
And Sheryl has one or two. Birds, flowers, baby goats. Did you see Paul's latest sunset pic of Cowell's Beach on the news? They showed it on Fox 35 at 10 pm and KION 46 at 11 pm and everyone oohed and aahed.
Visit our Cafepress site at http://www.cafepress.com/paulnsheryl .
Interested in a session? Send us an email or give us a call at (831) 325-4076.
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