Happy New Year! Happy 2012 to all of you!
As we head into the new year a lot of people's thoughts turn naturally to what 2012 will bring. The end of the Mayan calendar has a lot of people worried -- we're not among them -- but Sheryl, for one, does anticipate a great year of possibility. As ALL years / days are, of course! Every moment is a potential beginning. But human beings do tend to organize ourselves by the calendar, and collective beliefs and intentioning have great power. . . so what do we wish to create at this time in history and in our personal lives?
Before jumping in it might be worth noting that collectively we'll be celebrating the Year of the Water Dragon this year. Celebrating. Dragon years are often about success and opportunity. Coming together is what a Water Dragon can bring -- Harmony, one of the greatest Chinese virtues, is associated with a Water Dragon year. Other possibilities include conflicts of sorts as some things fail and fall apart so other, more beneficial, changes can take place! If you're part of a situation that has to be improved that's a great thing, provided, of course, that you can go with the change about to come. One word of advice from our own experience of rapidly changing life situations: LET GO! Believe in the possibility of an even better outcome than you can see right now and allow it to come.
We just moved again, by the way. Yes, AGAIN! We're still in Chico, CA but this time we moved to a much larger, nicer place right next door to Paul's dad who needed a great deal of caregiving attention in the past couple of months. Imagine: we all needed a place as close as possible and one opened up by the time we needed it RIGHT NEXT DOOR. We also really needed more space and always like to have an outdoor seating area and close access to nature and we manifested exactly that, too. A nature preserve is just a short walk away and a nice view of the Sierra foothills is practically outside our door.
Back to the coming year: a few shake-ups are likely to occur (as is often the case in a volatile election year) but not without a little fun. Focus most of all on how fun it will be to manifest what we'd like next. And "wouldn't it be great if. . . " Seriously, we don't ALWAYS seem to get what we want. Many of us have suffered great losses. It can be very easy to lose faith and think things like intentioning doesn't even remotely work! But sometimes what we need most takes a certain amount of footwork -- reshuffling the deck (which can seem almost catastrophic when you're in the midst of the shuffling). But then. . .an opportunity comes along you would not expect that you needed to be in a different place or mindset to accept. A new set of priorities soon emerges, one you would not have taken on in your previous circumstances. Or perhaps you just get to start anew and try again.
The new year reminds us to take time to look back on our lives, assess, reevaluate, pay attention to what has worked and what we'd like to do differently, to imagine what we'd like next, and intend it to come forth. A little advance planning, goal-setting and following through is often beneficial but don't be at all surprised if a lot of things just make sense to do-- like getting up every day anticipating positive shifts and intending the best all along the way.
-- Sheryl Karas, January 2012
JUST FOR FUN: a recent example of instant manifestation Paul shared on Facebook this week. In his words:
"Things we've said this week: 'We should get another of these white plastic lawn chairs to go on the front porch. . . was nice to get that stereo as a gift, but I wish the interface was more user friendly. . . well, that plunger with the weird clear plastic handle barely worked, what's wrong with a plain wooden handle (me) and we should probably have a toilet plunger (Sheryl).' So on a short drive today we were given a white plastic lawn chair, drove a little further and saw two plungers on the sidewalk-- a regular and a toilet plunger (both with wooden handles) -- and when I pulled over there was a stereo receiver right next to me with nice simple buttons (Fisher RS 605, circa 1988). Crankin' the tunes right now in my headphones."
The beginning of the year is always an excellent time to get some clarity on your life and support to create positive directions. Our spiritual counseling practice is up and running in-person in Chico, CA and, as always, by telephone (or Skype) all over the world. Our prices continue to be affordable with bottom of the sliding scale rates available to everyone regardless of income while we're in the process of getting re-established in a new place. http://www.healingcommunication.com/How_to_Make_an_Appointment_with_Spiritual_Counselors_and_Healers_Sheryl_Karas_and_Paul_Hood.html
In solidarity with the 99% movement we are still offering the PDF download version of "Waking Up in the Great Recession Mormon Desert" FOR FREE to anyone who wants it. The print version and Kindle and Nook versions are still for sale but we want to see the message in this book carried far and wide so get yours by clicking here and send this link to anyone you think might be interested: http://www.healingcommunication.com/WAKING_UP_FILE.html
This book (in print form) and Sheryl's other books are available for sale at http://www.sherylkaras.com.
in our joint Etsy shop, on Imagekind and Zazzle.
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
As we head into the new year a lot of people's thoughts turn naturally to what 2012 will bring. The end of the Mayan calendar has a lot of people worried -- we're not among them -- but Sheryl, for one, does anticipate a great year of possibility. As ALL years / days are, of course! Every moment is a potential beginning. But human beings do tend to organize ourselves by the calendar, and collective beliefs and intentioning have great power. . . so what do we wish to create at this time in history and in our personal lives?
Before jumping in it might be worth noting that collectively we'll be celebrating the Year of the Water Dragon this year. Celebrating. Dragon years are often about success and opportunity. Coming together is what a Water Dragon can bring -- Harmony, one of the greatest Chinese virtues, is associated with a Water Dragon year. Other possibilities include conflicts of sorts as some things fail and fall apart so other, more beneficial, changes can take place! If you're part of a situation that has to be improved that's a great thing, provided, of course, that you can go with the change about to come. One word of advice from our own experience of rapidly changing life situations: LET GO! Believe in the possibility of an even better outcome than you can see right now and allow it to come.
We just moved again, by the way. Yes, AGAIN! We're still in Chico, CA but this time we moved to a much larger, nicer place right next door to Paul's dad who needed a great deal of caregiving attention in the past couple of months. Imagine: we all needed a place as close as possible and one opened up by the time we needed it RIGHT NEXT DOOR. We also really needed more space and always like to have an outdoor seating area and close access to nature and we manifested exactly that, too. A nature preserve is just a short walk away and a nice view of the Sierra foothills is practically outside our door.
Back to the coming year: a few shake-ups are likely to occur (as is often the case in a volatile election year) but not without a little fun. Focus most of all on how fun it will be to manifest what we'd like next. And "wouldn't it be great if. . . " Seriously, we don't ALWAYS seem to get what we want. Many of us have suffered great losses. It can be very easy to lose faith and think things like intentioning doesn't even remotely work! But sometimes what we need most takes a certain amount of footwork -- reshuffling the deck (which can seem almost catastrophic when you're in the midst of the shuffling). But then. . .an opportunity comes along you would not expect that you needed to be in a different place or mindset to accept. A new set of priorities soon emerges, one you would not have taken on in your previous circumstances. Or perhaps you just get to start anew and try again.
The new year reminds us to take time to look back on our lives, assess, reevaluate, pay attention to what has worked and what we'd like to do differently, to imagine what we'd like next, and intend it to come forth. A little advance planning, goal-setting and following through is often beneficial but don't be at all surprised if a lot of things just make sense to do-- like getting up every day anticipating positive shifts and intending the best all along the way.
-- Sheryl Karas, January 2012
JUST FOR FUN: a recent example of instant manifestation Paul shared on Facebook this week. In his words:
"Things we've said this week: 'We should get another of these white plastic lawn chairs to go on the front porch. . . was nice to get that stereo as a gift, but I wish the interface was more user friendly. . . well, that plunger with the weird clear plastic handle barely worked, what's wrong with a plain wooden handle (me) and we should probably have a toilet plunger (Sheryl).' So on a short drive today we were given a white plastic lawn chair, drove a little further and saw two plungers on the sidewalk-- a regular and a toilet plunger (both with wooden handles) -- and when I pulled over there was a stereo receiver right next to me with nice simple buttons (Fisher RS 605, circa 1988). Crankin' the tunes right now in my headphones."
The beginning of the year is always an excellent time to get some clarity on your life and support to create positive directions. Our spiritual counseling practice is up and running in-person in Chico, CA and, as always, by telephone (or Skype) all over the world. Our prices continue to be affordable with bottom of the sliding scale rates available to everyone regardless of income while we're in the process of getting re-established in a new place. http://www.healingcommunication.com/How_to_Make_an_Appointment_with_Spiritual_Counselors_and_Healers_Sheryl_Karas_and_Paul_Hood.html
In solidarity with the 99% movement we are still offering the PDF download version of "Waking Up in the Great Recession Mormon Desert" FOR FREE to anyone who wants it. The print version and Kindle and Nook versions are still for sale but we want to see the message in this book carried far and wide so get yours by clicking here and send this link to anyone you think might be interested: http://www.healingcommunication.com/WAKING_UP_FILE.html
This book (in print form) and Sheryl's other books are available for sale at http://www.sherylkaras.com.
in our joint Etsy shop, on Imagekind and Zazzle.
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!
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