Hello Everybody! Here's this month's news:
My Health and Related Issues
Tuesday night I'm going to put my Etsy shop into Vacation Mode (meaning you won't be able to order anything) for about a week, maybe a few days longer. I'm having surgery on Thursday and don't want the stress of orders piling up. But I fully expect to be back online after that time.
If you've been reading my blog or follow me on Facebook you might know that I had a scary-feeling (but not horrific) breast cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago. Not "horrific" (it always feels horrific) because . . . Read more
As I reread my blog for posts to include in this newsletter, I realized that I had been writing about issues related to the diagnosis BEFORE I even knew about it. And I was already exploring flower essences useful for myself in that. Those are the posts I've chosen to include below.

Should You Use Flower Essences Singly or in Combination?
In this article I talked about my experience with this and, inadvertently, described early warning signs that I was just starting to use a combination for. Read more . . .
Sharing my Experimentation with Ocotillo Flower Essence (for Calming Explosive Emotions and Reactivity)
Today I added a new flower essence to my shop that I had never used before but have long had an attraction to—Ocotillo. I actually never have associated a need for this essence with myself as it is for . . . Read more . . .
Joyous Heart, A New Flower Essence Combination Formula by Mama Love
Every time I use this formula, my first thought always is "Aww, this doesn't work!" Isn't this great advertising? I'm always wanting instant happiness in a bottle. But instead I get feedback about the importance of being willing to feel my feelings and acknowledge their validity! Which means -- boo-hoo -- having to feel them! (Luckily for me and for you, today's story doesn't end here.) Read more . . .