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"Talia", © 2012 Sheryl Karas & Paul Hood |
Hello Everyone!
We are still in a rather collaborative frame of mind (see our last newsletter) so we both decided to try our hand at writing this newsletter. Enjoy!
Sheryl and Paul
Part 1
Time to write the newsletter and I can't think of anything but politics. C'mon, Sheryl, think up something uplifting related to spiritual growth! But there it sits: the 300 ton elephant and donkey in the middle of the room, trumpeting and braying loudly, too!
Sigh. Alrighty then, I guess that's what needs to be addressed! How are you all doing with that peace of mind thing these days?! I know that for me, it's a daily battle -- sometimes I'm transcendent enough to call it a "practice" -- to notice the fear and sometimes absolute outrage that the rhetoric and name-calling and misrepresentation of the truth brings out in me. To notice and acknowledge it, to bring myself back to center, and choose how and if I intend to respond. Should I participate by signing petitions, donating money, posting to Facebook, etc., etc.? And how much and how long? I bring myself back to center as often as I can. I'm reminded that the fate of the entire world is not up to me, that I can do my part and then go back to the painting I've been working on or flower essence aromatherapy product making or -- hell, let's be honest -- watching "The Big Bang Theory" on TV at least part of the time. I can let go, let others take on the job, rejoice that I'm not alone, rejoice even more that WE, in general, are not alone. We can let go, let God after choosing what part we intend to play... and then do so!
It takes courage, honestly. I was reminded of that in my fortune cookie today: "Fearless courage is the foundation of victory." Trust in the process takes courage, perhaps as much as fighting for something or constantly giving it your all. In the world we as a society are inclined to make, allowing there to be room for the other person's point of view is an incredibly courageous act. To allow someone to show their true colors, to see what they do when caught in the act, to recognize that even the ones we believe are in our court are not infallible, to allow them to be human and, perhaps, pick them up when they fall.... all these things test our faith in process. To vote despite our insecurities about what we notice takes courage.
Paul's fortune cookie said " Everything you are for empowers you." When I'm inclined to go to battle against something I wind up depleted, angry, scared and resentful. But if I do something -- anything -- in the service of what I'm for I feel good. So since I always intend for this newsletter to impart something uplifting or empowering that's what I think I'll share.
What is the end result you want to create? The one that most promotes the highest benefit for all concerned? Let that serve as a guiding light for how to be and what (if anything) you want to do.
--- Sheryl Karas, September 2012
Come Together, People, Right Now, Part 2
It’s been very difficult to get my mind out from under politics this week to even think of a topic unrelated to politics. The fact of the matter is, life goes on. Each of us has to decide how involved in politics and the political process that we’re going to be, and I am not belittling that. In fact I’m more politically active now than I think I have ever been.
While I’m not sure how possible it is to keep politics from separating us from each other — from friends, family, or even from people whom we’ve never met in person — I think it’s very important that we try. Nobody can be completely objective, and so it’s all the more important when we’re being bombarded by media images and messages to remember:
“Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ... He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” -- Billy Connolly
Ok, so that’s the Scottish version. Pragmatic, eh? Or maybe a little too descriptive of our political process after all, which I'm trying pretty desperately to turn my gaze away from. Anyway, after the potential divineness of the next few months, we’ll all have relationships to maintain and so I think it’s important to remember that underneath it all on a basic level we probably all want the same things, human things, right? And that’s the place where we all connect. Go deeper and maybe we’re talking about soul level things. That’s a place where I think we have even more in common, not just with each other but with all creatures, plants, the air, the earth, the cosmos. Where we all came from and where we shall return. So. . . while we are all currently being somewhat molded into a binary version of political existence maybe a good exercise would be to recognize our singularity first, and deep within that singularity lies the connection to the infiniteness of existence, and that’s who we really are, where no reductive labels will stand.
-- Paul Hood, September 2012
Our collaborative efforts continue in our art this week as well. The photo accompanying this newsletter online shows Sheryl hiding behind a current work in progress. It combines a photograph by Paul turned into a painting by Sheryl. It's actually a melange of digital photography, acrylic paint, collage and potato printing which will eventually receive an acrylic top coat resembling encaustic. An exercise in allowing a melding of two artistic choices -- painting and photography -- to create something that brings out the best of both worlds.
Another collaborative effort on our part feels appropriate for the times we live in now. Remember our memoir "Waking Up in the Great Recession Mormon Desert"? Seems like that's a potentially ironic title these days! (depending on your point of view) The physical book is still for sale on our website but the book is also still available to download and read on your computer for free! Please feel free to do so! http://www.healingcommunication.com/myproducts/WAKING_UP_FILE.html
Spiritual Counseling & Healing Sessions with one or both of us can be set up by clicking here.
We work in-person (in Chico, CA) or by telephone or video via Skype anywhere in the world.
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
In our new prints and poster Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/FutureSoBright
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
On our brand new Facebook Page... www.facebook.com/paulnsherylart
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Our artwork also has a brand new page at www.facebook.com/paulnsherylart. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
Simplest way to tell people about us? Forward this newsletter and include a note saying you like us. It's easy!