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© Copyright 2012 Paul Hood |
It's the dawning of a new year. Aren't you glad we got through the end of the Mayan calendar and can get on with what we need to create for our world from now on?
Paul and I did not buy into the end of the world scenario many people have been engaged with in recent years. I saw a Facebook meme recently that said "I've survived four predicted endings of the world in my lifetime already! Just sayin'..." I do acknowledge, however, that it is a very useful collective convention to treat the turning of any calendar year with some reverence, to use it for looking back, to glean whatever we can from past choices and events, and to make new choices for the future and plans. Collective turnings (even the Mayan one) can create shifts when used with intention.
But has the end of the world as we have known it actually come? Is it perhaps subtly in process already? Well, this certainly isn't the world our great-grandparents lived in anymore. It's not the world our parents and grandparents dreamed of for themselves. I'm only in my fifties and I've seen tremendous upheaval, growth and change. (I did say "growth".) We can see that times have been changing very quickly. Global climate change is not a hypothesis, it's happening. And yet, just in time, the worldwide web (remember when the internet used to be called that?) has actually coalesced into the worldwide global connection network early visionaries hoped it could be. There's been challenging, some would call it devastating, consequences of that, especially in a number of industries that have become obsolete. But others are developing in their place. And surprising (both positive and negative) things have occurred. Social change movements can happen overnight that took weeks and months, years, if it could happen at all, in the past. We can mobilize and coordinate activities we never dreamed could come to pass. And negative attacks can also occur.
Some things in our world have changed and are still changing at a rapid rate. That frightens people. Massive sudden transformations (earthquakes, tsunamis) have devastating results. We can't take catastrophic events back, we can't bring little children and teachers back to life, we can't just hit "command z" (undo) and make everything go back to how it used to be. It's been done or it's already happening and there's only so much you can do to try to turn the tide. Sometimes you can build your sandbag walls up high enough to shift a current as a lot of us have sometimes been able to do. It might seem like it's too late to change some people's minds but, as a past teacher in my life once said, it's never too late to open a heart. But sometimes a series of catastrophes is what wakes a person or a society up. A new beginning can come on the heels of a terrible defeat.
Some things have not changed— the human capacity to be selfish, insensitive and cruel contrasts with the more powerful capacity for humans to love, lift each other up, and help each other through. As we go into this new year it's that latter capacity I think we need to nurture and pay the most attention.
May your New Year be loving, comforting and light.
--Sheryl Karas
A related article about using Walnut Flower Essence in my Mama Love formula for opening the heart.
Spiritual Counseling sessions with one or both of us can be set up by clicking here: http://www.healingcommunication.com/How_to_Make_an_Appointment_with_Spiritual_Counselors_and_Healers_Sheryl_Karas_and_Paul_Hood.html
We work in-person (in Chico, CA) or by telephone or video via Skype anywhere in the world.
New products are coming in the new year. Old products are being refreshed and the line in general has been re-envisioned back in alignment with its original intent: healing products for emotional / spiritual well-being, growth and change. I won't be making anything called body, bath or massage oil anymore. My products have always been so much more than that. Add it to a bath or massage, for sure! Use it as a subtle personal perfume if you desire—I designed it to be enjoyable to use because I like things that smell good. But it's a powerful healing tool and that's always been it's true purpose.
You'll find my original Mama Love formulas in dram (1/8 oz), 1 oz and 2 oz sizes. They're also available as room and body sprays (some are so amazingly more effective that way I should have done it long ago!) And coming soon, for people who love flower essences but prefer not to use anything with a scent, will be a line of formulas based on my original line without essential oils as well as some brand new ones!
Check out what's new at www.mamaloveproducts.com.
In our joint Etsy shop... http://www.etsy.com/shop/PaulnSherylArt
In our new prints and poster Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/FutureSoBright
Beautiful Photographic Prints by Paul Hood... http://PaulHood.imagekind.com/
Beautiful Photographic Prints and Artwork by Sheryl Karas... http://sherylkaras.imagekind.com
Art notecards, T-shirts, mugs and other gifts featuring our images... http://www.zazzle.com/paulnsheryl*
On our brand new Facebook Page... www.facebook.com/paulnsherylart
We post little tidbits of inspiration and fun, information and news about what we're up to, things that don't fit in the newsletter and things that do. And it's an easy way to interact with what we post through comments and possibly discussions from time to time. Look up "Paul Hood" or "Sheryl Karas" or both. Mama Love has its own page. That's at http://www.facebook.com/MamaLoveProducts. Our artwork also has a brand new page at www.facebook.com/paulnsherylart. Become a Fan and be sure to let other people know about us, too!
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